Breed Redo #2!

9/08/2024 12:24 pm

Hello hello everyone! We are very excited to post today's update because that means…new breed art!! Those of you who attended our live stream were given hints about who may be galloping into HoFa today and some of you managed to catch our peek on social media. Based on our hints and sneak peeks, a few of you managed to guess today's breed redo correctly! Be sure to follow HoFa on Facebook and Instagram for peeks at upcoming updates.


🐴 Breed Redo: Welsh Pony of Cob Type (C)!

Today's breed redo is the Welsh Pony of Cob Type (C)! The Welsh C is one of four Welsh Pony and Cob breeds calling HoFa home. Due to their lack of population in-game (273 as of typing this) we decided the second of our breed redos should be a less popular breed. Welsh Cs originally joined us in late 2020 and were HoFa’s 18th pure breed. 

Other changes to note:

- Welsh C’s have a newer pose that gives them more sass and movement.

- The Welsh C body type has been designed to be more cob-like while also lending itself to the pony-size proportions.

- Welsh C’s have all possible in-game colors and markings so no more grade requests are needed for them!

- Palomino TBs have been updated to be less pink (oops).



We haven’t had the chance yet to post in the campaign forums about the artwork but expect that in the next week.


We hope you all have an excellent rest of the weekend and enjoy the new Welsh Cs! Expect a bug fix update later in September.



Bedouin & Curly


Post Count: 217

9/09/2024 2:00 pm

oh no i do agree, it is very cute and has a lot of personality which i love. it just doesn't strike me as a pony or a cob-type pony, let alone a welshie.



Post Count: 435

9/09/2024 3:33 pm

@Kobold - I'm sorry this art isn't your favorite style, but to call it ugly and ruined is a wild thing to say. The art change is a big change for all of us, but it's here to stay. Why not try to see the positive? The new art opens new doors and refreshes the game. It's hard to see the old style go, but there's no reason to be so rude and cold to Thunder and the dev team solely because you personally don't enjoy the new style. 

I am also extremely sad to see Solo's style gone, but it is what it is, and Thunder is doing a great job putting their own spin on the breeds. It'll be a good thing in the long run, just give it a chance. 


Post Count: 33

9/10/2024 1:50 am

Like forgottenland, I had to step back before I could comment, as I wasn't sure "what" was bothering me.  The head.  It is not proportioned correctly for the breed and type, and it is throwing off the overall image.  This is not to say that I don't like the new style or pose, etc.  Just that I'd like to see the head properly proportioned.  As it currently stands, it is far too large and blocky for the Welsh C type overall.


Post Count: 1

9/10/2024 9:40 am

Not really a fan of the new art style. But the more noticeable dapples are nice



Post Count: 723

9/10/2024 9:26 pm

I think the head is fine.





Post Count: 217

9/10/2024 9:49 pm

@KayTea: not sure if you've seen a real welsh C but to me it's quite different 😅 more dished and smaller, but to each their own



Post Count: 723

9/11/2024 9:30 am

I guess, but the new head fits the new horse in my opinion. Not sure how realistic it is, but they said they are going for less realistic with the new art.





Post Count: 723

9/11/2024 9:39 am

Photo of a real Welshie type C I found.

I would say that Thunder nailed the leg feathers, the muscle, and the mane.

I do feel the head is not much like the real pony, but I do feel that Thunder made the head a good size for the rest of the image.

I only really have one thing I think could be improved, the "ponies" seem to tall to be ponies.

All in all, I think Thunder did a good job!





Post Count: 217

9/11/2024 10:14 am

i personally don't see what you mean about the muscle definition since ponies are much more heavy-set, including in that image you linked, but either way i can understand it being more stylized even if i don't fully vibe with it myself 💚 that's about all i'll say since i don't want me expressing my thoughts on the art to turn into discourse or anything.



Post Count: 764

9/11/2024 10:23 am

To me, at least at first glance the head seems a bit large for the body overall. I do like the redo over the original however. I think maybe a bit shorter nose but I can see what they are going for looking at some images of the Welsh C

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