Horses being Kicked but not sure why

TheDustyAngel [Bronze || 361 posts] on 8/26/2024 11:48 am

These same four horses have been getting kicked from boarding and this is the 3rd or 4th time it is happened; the game does not alert me to them being kicked like I used to be alerted to with a notification. The first time it happened, I didn't realize that their health was at 0% so that is on me but the other times? There should be no reasoning as to why they keep getting kicked for. Their health is at 60%. I have enough money to pay for their boarding fees, the ranges I have been getting lucky at is between $5 for DIY and upwards of $10 for DIY ((I never go for Part or Full boards, it's always DIY)). I tend to enter my horses and whatever money is left over I store away in my bank account and then whatever money I get from showing/haltering my horses I leave on hand and that is always used for boarding fees, even still, I have enough money in the bank to cover their fees if it gets taken from the bank.


I know I didn't enter my horses yesterday but I have over 35k but below 40k on hand and about 98k in the bank, they aren't at 0% health and I off and on hopped onto the game to either go to the Scrap Yard or explore Hoofbeat Plains and they tend to be used for Exploring and or Careers. I'm just wondering if anyone else is having this problem? I do plan on doing a bug report but I was wondering if besides having this issue, if it could be explained why they are being kicked for?


The above horses are the ones that have been kicked lately and I'm at a loss as to why they keep getting kicked for.




Post Count: 361

8/31/2024 11:30 pm

@Pippin, unfortunately as Maki stated, it was during a Livestream but I forgot when. It was NOT this most recent one I remember. Maybe spring? forgotten's link takes you back to when they discussed some of the features they poked over and would be quick fixes. My other request, the breeding clinic being cheaper to expand slots, was easily done and made available. They do mention rejection of the tie in but it is possible I may not have worded it properly? I do remember rook commenting on it but back then, it didn't get much traction as Maki mentioned compared to now. Again I could have also worded it poorly back then but I do remember watching the Livestream and them rejecting it. It should still be on that link forgotten shared and or under Player Development Ideas area.



@Maki, ya know what? Grand idea. Remind me to do that tomorrow. I will try to link my old suggestion on it, this one and go put it in feature requests.




Post Count: 463

9/01/2024 12:18 am

@Dusty - was it this thread?


Post Count: 871

9/01/2024 1:51 am

Yeah thats the one. I really wish I remembered their reasoning but I feel like from what I do remember they might not have understood correctly or it just still didnt make much sense. I'm not sure.


I tried looking over our conversations way back in January when she first suggested it and there was a livestream then but I didnt find it then either. 


Post Count: 268

9/01/2024 7:29 am

here's the livestream, it's under the "Live" tab on the youtube channel and not the "Videos" one. clicking the link should take you exactly to the timestamp when the suggestion was talked about
the reason given is that decoupling certifications and boarding would require a complete overhaul of the system. and the change to training fees will in fact be that boarders will not have to pay training fees when training at the stable they're boarded at. it's apparently meant to work that way in the first place as talked about here a few minutes later


Post Count: 871

9/01/2024 11:39 am

I mean, that would make more sense but in the end I am just gonna train my own horses myself for free. I guess it would be good for those that arent upgraded to train their horses. But what good does that do anyone anyway? You pay an arm and a leg and then some to upgrade certificates and then boarders can train for free? You would have to have boarding fees be astronomical for there to be any kind of return on your expenses and it probably still wouldnt be worth it


Post Count: 268

9/01/2024 12:23 pm

i agree, even if maybe training centers and boarding just aren't meant to be very profitable, they should at least be worth maxing out in some way.


Post Count: 463

9/01/2024 12:35 pm

With how much you invest into stalls and upgrading your training center, it would lead one to believe it is the most profitable construction in game. 


Post Count: 871

9/01/2024 12:57 pm

It should be at any rate 😅 might be something that needs some revision 


Post Count: 361

9/01/2024 1:28 pm

Thanks forgotten! I mean that way is does make sense but again it also doesn't as Maki said, I literally can just use my own Training Center and train my horses for free, why on Earth would I go elsewhere?


I do wonder how many people aren't upgraded compared to those that are upgraded? Regardless of that though, I mean if you just freshly upgrade and wish to run your own Boarding Center/Training Center, it rather becomes a moot point because you do not have the proper training certifications and then practically no one can board with you, even with cheap boarding, unless you do something similar to what rook said and just use your alts. Which me personally, I tried to run my two other alts and to ME it simply felt overwhelming and it frustrated me. Why? I cannot say but that's why the bulk of my horses are back with me; even still though, who knows how long it might take you to eventually earn that money spent on the certifications just from use of boarders and boarders only. You'd have to raise the prices and for me, that turns me away, it should turn new players away too because eventually that would eat into their own profits/earnings and make them become poor and or struggle with the game.



I prefer having cheap boarding, I make about $400 from my boarders at the current moment, which is a full 150 stalls. I do plan on adding more in but still at my current rate/stall size, I am looking at 1,000 days just to eventually break even after the last rounds of upgrading I did that cost me 400k, roughly and who knows how much I spent on upgrading before then.



Cheaper upgrading options perhaps? Or make it more worthwhile to fully upgrade as others have suggested? Cos if I was in Kail's shoes, I wouldn't even see the need to continue even caring for my Boarding Center/having it open because of how expensive it is just to make it properly running because of the certifications and get boarders to stay with me.



Pippin Wilds

Post Count: 46

9/01/2024 7:07 pm

Or just remove the training centre requirements from boarding. As in you can board any horse no matter if you the have training centres or not. 


Offering the free training for boarded horses doesn't make much sense to me tbh, my horses are boarded at a bunch of different places. Without the training manual, I wouldn't wast time trying to open each relevant training centre or horse to save the $1 training fee.

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