Breeds looking Lazy/Copied

Vale [Basic || 316 posts] on 5/13/2024 7:33 pm

DISCLAIMER: I am NOT hating on the devs for any type of horse that they release. I am simply giving my opinion.

Has anybody else noticed that the Welsh Pony Cob (C) looks eerily similar to the Hispano Arabe? Or that the Irish Draught and Irish Sporthorses are literally the same horse with just a few minor tweaks?
What I don't understand is why some of these breeds look so similar. It gets extremely annoying when you confuse one breed for another (It happens to me so frequently I swear)! I understand that the devs might be working on something else, bugs, etc, but idk...

It just seems kinda lazy to make a breed that looks so similar to another. I understand that HoFa is currently looking for a new artist, but that still shouldn't be an excuse to make a horse that's just a cheap copy. If the horse is going to be rushed/copied/lazy, then just don't release a new horse at all.


Remember, I am only stating my opinion and not hating on HoFa, the horses, or devs! 






Post Count: 246

5/13/2024 8:12 pm

genuine question, how do those horses look similar? i've seen this opinion quite a bit before but never for those breeds



Post Count: 352

5/13/2024 8:26 pm

I mean, the ISH is half ID, so that kind of tracks? At least to me, that the ISH should look half one breed and half other.


As for C and Hispano? Their poses are just about the same but to me, that's where the similarities end.




Post Count: 817

5/13/2024 10:27 pm

I dont think they look all that the same. Meanwhile Azteca and American Azteca literally is the exact same art. 


Post Count: 775

5/13/2024 10:32 pm

I'll just come out and say it, I hate the Tennessee Walking Horse look!

Like Vale said, not hating on the devs!

They just look SO off to me: the backs are bent and unnatural, the pose is odd, the face is weird...etc.

I love the breed! But my Grandma has one and the game ones look wayyyy off.


Edited 1 times


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Post Count: 449

5/13/2024 10:32 pm

All of the breeds you've listed were drawn by the original artist, not someone random in the middle of the artist search. The Irish Draught is also due for an update/redo if I remember correctly. Lazy, however, is not a word I'd use to describe Solo or Solo's work. 

They're both pretty easily differentiated to me. 🤷 


Post Count: 775

5/13/2024 10:34 pm

@reddrookk, the 2nd one looks a TINY bit like the same horse, but the 1st looks very dif!


Looking for sage dyes, please message me!




Post Count: 449

5/13/2024 10:41 pm

@KatieLee - have you ever seen TWH posed?
Conformation Judging: Tennessee Walker | Equestrian AminoTennessee Walker. They have that German Shepherd stance. | Tennessee  walking horse, Walking horse, HorsesTennessee Walking Horse | Sachs Family FarmCommentary: When will the Tennessee Walking Horse be Unchained? • Tennessee  Lookout

I agree that I'd love to see them in a more gaited motion, however I think Solo tried to make every breed unique in some way. Trying to capture what every breed is known for/popular for in one still image has to be difficult. If she'd just drawn them in a standing pose it'd be had to look at them and just know they were a TWH. Same reason the Saddlebred is in such a flashy pose - they all don't look like that, but you see it and can recognize it as a Saddlebred. I grew up with TWH and no, none of my family's were ever stacked/posed in this way. But! It's a recognizeable TWH pose, so it makes sense that it's the one that was chosen. 

Edited 2 times


Post Count: 775

5/13/2024 10:49 pm

@reddrookk, no I have not seen one like that.

Thank you fro making it make sense.


Looking for sage dyes, please message me!




Post Count: 352

5/13/2024 10:52 pm

@rook, that one chestnut is making me feel odd, one above it makes me feel strange but that chestnut with the chrome on its legs is just giving me the heebie jeebies, it looks soooooooo overkill in that stance.




Post Count: 449

5/13/2024 10:55 pm

@Dusty - the third on his tippy toes looks uncomfy. I assume people with showing TWH go for the flashies/most exaggerated poses they can. 

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