Maki's Shop [Updated 3/31]

Maki [Platinum || 538 posts] on 2/18/2024 7:31 pm

I really need to sell off some of my stuff and decided its just easier to list here and you can let me know what you want and I can set up a trade




10 black roses - 500 ea

4 blue roses - 500 ea

10 green roses - 500 ea

6 orange roses - 500 ea

4 pink roses - 500 ea

4 purple roses - 500 ea

10 red roses - 500 ea

10 yellow roses - 500 ea

3 elusive black cats - 15000 ea

10 grey wolves - 25000 ea

10 blue dye - 1000 ea

14 green dye - 1000 ea

10 grey dye - 1000 ea

10 orange dye - 1000 ea

100 sky blue dyes - 2000 ea

5 teal dyes - 2000 ea

2 rainbow western pads - 3000 ea


Silver Creek Eq

4 green roses*

3 orange roses*

6 red roses*

3 white roses*

3 gold tail ribbons*

3 green tail ribbons*

2 reindeer calves*

4 black dye*

4 blue dye*

4 green dye*

4 red dye*

5 sunburn dye*

*These we transferred from my side account and is just for me to keep track of :) 

emferno 2

Post Count: 2

2/18/2024 8:26 pm

I'll take 8 Sky Blue and 6 Electric Purple dyes!


Post Count: 51

2/18/2024 11:51 pm

I'll take your bats, green flames, yellow dyes, and winter holiday lights. All of them!


Post Count: 538

2/19/2024 12:36 pm

Thanks guys! I will put up the trades


Post Count: 15

2/19/2024 1:11 pm

May I have 4 electric purples? :)


Post Count: 538

2/19/2024 4:07 pm

Yes you may :)


Post Count: 22

2/19/2024 8:04 pm

I'll take 10 sky blue dyes and all the ingots please and thank you. 😊 


Post Count: 538

2/20/2024 12:18 am

I will make a trade, thank you!

JayBug Careers

Post Count: 3

2/27/2024 5:24 pm

Can I get 15 of the sky blue 


Post Count: 538

2/28/2024 12:03 pm

Yes you can! 


Post Count: 346

2/28/2024 4:06 pm

Can I snag all 14 of the purple dyes pretty please? 💜

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