Maki's Shop [Updated 12/15] SALE!
Maki [Platinum || 902 posts] on 2/18/2024 7:31 pm
I really need to sell off some of my stuff and decided its just easier to list here and you can let me know what you want and I can set up a trade. Seasonal dyes, holiday items and more!
**New items from my side account plus holiday sale!**
2 dark forest backgrounds - 1k ea 3/3 uses
Decor *BOGO free*
30 black roses - 500 ea 2/2 uses
10 blue roses - 500 ea 2/2 uses
10 clover decor - 500 ea 2/2 uses
10 pink roses - 500 ea 2/2 uses
10 purple roses - 500 ea 2/2 uses
10 white roses - 500 ea 2/2 uses
30 green roses - 500 ea 2/2 uses
15 Grey roses - 500 ea 2/2 uses
10 orange roses - 500 ea 2/2 uses
30 red roses - 500 ea 2/2 uses
30 yellow roses - 500 ea 2/2 uses
2 winter green tail ribbons - 1k ea 2/2 uses
15 grey wolves - 500 ea 4/4 uses
1 haunted green frame - 2500 3/3 uses* twin boost
1 haunted purple frame - 2500 3/3 uses* twin boost
Exploration Find
10 black dyes - 500 ea
20 blue dyes - 500 ea
2 burnt leaf dyes - 1k ea
20 green dyes - 500 ea
15 grey dyes - 500 ea
2 ice dyes - 1k ea
3 neon green dyes - 1500 ea
15 orange dyes - 500 ea
20 pink dyes - 500 ea
20 purple dyes - 500 ea
20 red dyes - 500 ea
6 sky blue dyes - 1k ea
10 sunburn dyes - 1k ea
10 teal dyes - 1k ea
10 yellow dyes - 500 ea
Wild Horses Capturing
40 lassos - 500 ea 10/10 uses or 10k for 30 lassos
5 whistle - 1k ea 10/10 uses
1 espresso shot - 15k
Magnifying Glass - 100k
100 ingots - 350 ea
Of course! Trade posted, thank you :)
I will take 20 more ingots please!
Or course, I set up a trade. Thank you
I'd like the rest of your ingots (any you have left, up to 500 count) and also your skeleton paint and your remaining tonics, if all available (or any of those left), please.
Trade posted, thank you!
Can I have
2 gift bows
any specials if any
What do you mean by specials?
Any holiday stuff
I sent the trades, just double check since I had to break them down into three trades :)
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