[Rejected] Make it impossible to brand horses bred by someone else.

Aleon [Bronze || 89 posts] on 1/26/2024 2:22 am

I hate brands, sorry but that's the truth. For me they are animal abuse of the worst kind so I will not brand one single horse I have in my stable. 
I realiced very soon after joining this game that it was possible to brand horses bred by someone else so I made a brand. As I hate the custom on burning a horse with a hot iron= animal abuse I havn't used it except on sale horses. Far to often i forgott to add the stupid thing and imideatelly the new owner put their hot iron on my horse. 

This custom of stealing someone elses acomplichment is from now on something that makes me retire every horse I breed that I don't need myself. 

Please make it impossible to brand horses that another player has bred. 


Post Count: 496

1/26/2024 8:21 am

Well.. these horses aren't real, so they feel no pain. Brands don't steal accomplishments because their info tabs cannot be changed and they will list you as the original breeder. You're getting mad at another player for something you forgot to do?

I get that it's frustrating - I've sold a horse or two and realized they now have someone else's brand, but it's my own fault for forgetting to brand them. If you feel that strongly about it, just make a note to brand horses before you sell them, or do what you've said and retire instead of selling. I don't think anyone brands miscellaneous horses with the intent of "stealing accomplishments". Sometimes when I brand foundation/wild horses I have no intention of keeping it was done out of muscle memory/habit more over wanting them to have my brand. 

Tl;Dr I don't think it's that deep and there's no reason to get twisted over it. ๐Ÿ˜‰


Post Count: 89

1/26/2024 8:35 am

I know that this is pixel ponies but it doesn't matter. It promotes a custom that is animal abuse and I feel very hard about that kind of things.

I have tried to think of reason to brand horses bred by someeon else and can still only find one reason and that is to "steal" accomplichment. If it wasn't the horse would stay unbranded. It's not like a branded horse will do better in shows or competitions so you don't have to brand them.

I decided to make a note on my profile stating that I will not sell any more home bred horses so at the moment I have solved it that way. I also imideately retired my second home bred horse that was up for sale.


Post Count: 496

1/26/2024 8:36 am

๐Ÿคท‍โ™€๏ธ whatever makes you feel better.


Post Count: 744

1/26/2024 11:17 am

It's just a game ๐Ÿ™„ I REAL life I also hate branding, but only one kind cuz NOW some people just put their barn letters aka Running Springs ( Real place! Look on Facebook! ) puts RS on the front of the name and don't put hot iron on them like some people DO, 2 is the kind of branding I hate. And I 2nd the nobody branding a horse someone else bred.





Post Count: 942

1/26/2024 12:18 pm

The horses arent real and if you want to pretend they are then thats fine but they arent and freeze branding isnt painful or abuse. If someone doesnt brand their horses, I am going to brand them myself so I can keep track of them and I have every right to 

Edited 1 times


Post Count: 89

1/26/2024 1:29 pm

Yes it's ofcourse your right to do so now. I want that to be changed. It's also my right to decide never to sell a horse again due to what I find a very rude custom of some players. You know different opinion :)

Silver Creek Eq

Post Count: 17

1/26/2024 3:21 pm

I don't believe they would change this aspect of the game. Your solution or not selling horses is probably your best solution


Post Count: 369

1/26/2024 5:54 pm

Personally for me it has nothing to do with stealing whatsoever. It's an OCD thing. I could care less about accomplishments. For me, branding a horse is legitimately an OCD thing where I have to have the brand there, otherwise it drives me up a wall.




Post Count: 305

1/26/2024 10:28 pm

i don't really get the point of this conversation given that historically branding has been used to display ownership and not the breeder anyway

three sheep

Post Count: 19

2/03/2024 12:24 pm

@thedustyangel, I can agree 100% that it's an ocd now. the moment foals are born, I just want to brand them, or when I get a horse that's not branded, I just want to brand it so bad. 

and it's also like, I paid 50 ignots for my brand, no way am I not going to not use my brand...

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