Is there an easy way to make money as a new player?
Siver [Basic || 2 posts] on 11/21/2023 7:35 pm
Im new to this game, and find showing isn’t really giving, and I’m slowly running low. Is there an easy way to make money in this game so I don’t have to worry about not being able to feed my horses?
I played higher or lower in the game room multiple times every day until I had an reliable income.
Some of your horses might not do good at all with showing early on, what you could do, is assign them to Careers instead of Disciplines under the Edit Horse option when viewing the horse, and under Working Path, tick them to Careers and select a career from drop down menu and untick Disciplines. Make sure they are all personality tested so this way they can do Careers. When you send a horse off to Careers, they are gone for 30 minutes in real life time and its also a decent way to earn income passively if your horses are struggling in the show arena.
If you do end up breeding horses, try waiting until both the mare and stallion in question are both level 50 as breeding them gives a training boost of 10 and it helps immensenly, down the line, when showing horses. If you have, for example, a mare that is level 60 and a stallion is level 40? That pairing can still work, long as it adds up to 100, it can still count and anything above 100 when added together is also a nice thing to have for better quality foals that can go farther in the show pens. You essentially take the stallion's level, add it to the mare's level and once you get that equal, you divide it by 10 to see what training boost you can get for your foal once they are fully done with foal training.
Outside of that, you can also do what Aleon suggested, on top of going through the Dark Horse Mine under the Explore tab. You can find bits, ingots and sometimes gems in there. Ingots can be sold to other players 500 bits to 1 ingot and gems can vary in pricing. You could also, perhaps, use a horse or two to explore Hoofbeat Plains ((You'd have to tick your horse or two you wish to use to explore Working Path only)). You might find some stuff there to possibly sell. I know I have seen some folks selling treat items ((Lassos, Whistles, Alfalfa, Oats, Apple, Carrots, Clover, Molasses. Also note these items aren't strictly stuck to Hoofbeat Plains and can be found when exploring the game/taking care of your horses as a pop up, up top above your horses' page.)) in Marketplace for bits too. If you happen to sell anything, its relatively easier to simply offer a flat price instead of waiting for offers to be made ((If you are unsure of pricing you could look at Horse Fables' Discord and ask there)) and get bits that way. You could also capture Wild horses to sell if you find them and are able to capture them. Selling Wilds can be iffy but up to you if you wish to do so.
I have noticed that a lot of people recomend carreers but I can't do that. In my opinion they give to little experience so the horse levels to slow. Check out how much points you get from competition and from halter shows (you need to double the competition points to get a comparable value due to differeence in energy used). High points so you level up your horse fast is how you in the end can breed good horses with high training boost.
Yeah but if you are running low on funds to be able to afford the competition fees and halter fees, it's a moot point is it not? OP is even worried about being able to afford to care for their horses, doing Halters/Comps can eat into that with no guarantee of getting enough bits to continue on. Halters seem to be $10 to $50 per entry depending on the star level and that's usually 5 entries you can do, that allllll adds up eventually and Halters only run if there are 20 entrants. I think one of my Chinco foals on an alt was waiting a day or two extra until it had enough entrants to run it. I only put foals to Halters as I can afford it but if you are new, putting them into Halters might make someone hesitate. Comps are rather cheap at the lower levels/tiers but still if you are struggling money wise, running horses in Careers is at least a passive income. Sure, it can take longer to level them but funds is first and foremost more important than anything else. Even if they do not get that 10 TB, anything is better than 1-3 TB. Foundation Horses also seem to have lower end TB when you first get them and they might not even do well in comps or halter shows, so putting them to careers can guarantee a passive income early on so you can squirrel away enough bits to be able to do better in comps/halter shows and level them up faster.
Careers cost nothing and run 30 minutes and can be done multiple times a day. They are perfect for making money
Also, if you have 5 random gems, I offer a bit exchange that can carry you through, from one day to the next. Check out the Looking For tab in the market trades section.
It can be tough, first starting out, it is important to find yourself some way to earn bits, that works for you. I can also suggest that you find a cheapie horse with a PS over 2000 (3000 is even better) and try them in competitions. I sell my branded stock for just that end as well. Brand: แง
After your first generation is done and you're into your second and third, with acceptable Training Boosts (TB) it does get relatively easier to support your farm.
I, too, would suggest careers to get you through until your horses can do competitions or halters. You have a career open to you even as a newbie.
Ofcourse careers can be useful but there is the huge draw back of the low potential of leverling up your horse. For me a horse with only 10 in TB is more or less useless. I want them to be 20 or higher but am not there for my entire herd yet.
I will in the near future (I hope) post a topic about TBs and the potential of breeding good horses but need some more data to make my calculations a bit more stable (and some time because at the moment my life is running at to high speed).
The use of careers is the same as the use for competition stock or halter stock. If you build up a career line, they can actually earn plenty of levels as the generations go by. We can have very successful career stock that trumps competition stock in some areas, including level earning.
The nice thing about careers is that even 1 star horses from the foundation, which have no TB to speak of, can still earn an honest level 50 or more, and get there before their 18th birthday. I've done it with a number of weak competitors.
I don't and didn't plan on making a career bloodline, so I've limited my career purchase to just one work station (and that was before the model career came to us). But it had been immensely helpful for the foundation stock I had decided to work with. Just because it doesn't work for your purposes, doesn't mean another can't find it useful.
To aid everybody, we need to give all the options to them, and then allow them to choose which path is best for them and which path works best for their plans.
Perhaps, you would also find it useful to fully explore building a career bloodline from scratch and see just how useful, or useless it could be.
Might be an interesting conclusion to share. I'd be interested in reading such an investigation. But I have enough projects on my plate and I won't be tackling a career bloodline, myself.๐
I really can't understand why you behave like my view is a threat. Why do you feel that you have to defend careers just because I state my personal view of the topic. For me careers are a waste of time and horses and I think my view is as valuabe as yours are? In the end it's OP who has to decide their path in the game and to point out different paths will give OP a better opportunity to choose one that fits them.
And no I will definitly not create a career line. Why should I it doesn't fit my play style at all. If other slike to do them Im happy that they have found their way to play but for me it would be useless whn I can use that stabel place and time to do something I find fun.
By the way so has not one single of the horses I have checked out on the top 100 list been career horses, but you will find plenty of mine on that list.
Edited 1 times
No one is threatening you calm down. They asked how to make money, and despite your dislike for careers, it is a great way of making money. Your opinion doesnt matter to someone else who is starting out and trying to make money. Do what works for you. All Oaken Fields said was that it absolutely can be worth it and it can. Now calm down and leave it be.
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