Witchโs Cauldron! recipes *spoiler alert!*
Middy [Platinum || 81 posts] on 10/30/2023 2:20 pm
If you found a recipe and want to share, share it here.
can't screenshot but
Red Tonic X Ruby = Spicy Red Tonic
Empty Tonic Bottle X Orange Dye = Orange Tonic
Empty Tonic Bottle X Green Dye = Green Tonic
Empty Tonic Bottle X Blue Dye = Blue Tonic
Empty Tonic Bottle X Grey Dye = Grey Tonic
Empty Tonic Bottle X Pink Dye = Pink Tonic
Empty Tonic Bottle X Yellow Dye = Yellow Tonic
Empty Tonic Bottle X Red Dye = Red Tonic
Empty Tonic Bottle X Purple Dye = Purple Tonic
Mysterious Candles X Black Dye = Sinister Candles
Black Dye X Blue Dye = Deep Blue Dye
Black Dye X Red Dye = Wine Dye
Black Dye X Orange = Burnt Leaf Dye
Black Dye X Purple = Midnight Dye
Black Dye X Green = Dark Emerald Dye
Apple X Friesland Background = Floating Hearts
Apple X Wales Background = Dark Emerald Dye
Edited 5 times
Empty Tonic Bottle x Pastel Rainbow Unicorn Horn = Pastel Rainbow Tonic (forgot to screenshot sadly)
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