Witch’s Cauldron! recipes *spoiler alert!*

Middy [Platinum || 75 posts] on 10/30/2023 2:20 pm

If you found a recipe and want to share, share it here. 

















Post Count: 75

11/01/2023 3:22 pm


Post Count: 133

11/02/2023 4:03 am

Here is the spreadsheet I've made with recipes I've found, or seen here or in the discord! Spreadsheet Link


I'm still working on it, and there's probably a few things in the crafting dropdowns that didn't show for me (because I didn't have them yet), but it's most of the way "done".


Color-coding on row and column 1 (initial items) is determined by which filter the item shows under in the Storage Room dropdown. If an item's background is white, it means I didn't have that item and still need to test it. If an item's text is dark blue, it means I haven't tested that item to the full extent of my abilities (either out of laziness (as with tack) or because I've recently acquired the item and just haven't gotten to it yet)


Color-coding for recipe results is as follows: Light grey text signifies that an item can be acquired "normally" (e.g. dying, encrusting). Light grey background signifies, in general, that it's a recipe I haven't personally tested (but either saw in this thread, saw in the discord, or deduced from the pattern of related tack)


Spreadsheet should be set so anyone with the link can comment on cells but not freely edit. To use the filters, go to "Data", then "Filter Views", and select "Create New Filter View". Or, feel free to make a copy of the sheet!

Edited 2 times



...Because, apparently, heaven forbid I do anything that's not complicated.


Post Count: 87

11/03/2023 2:54 am

Grey dye+ Purple dye= Black dye

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