Showing needs to change

Maki [Platinum || 919 posts] on 10/15/2022 8:09 pm

I haven't the foggiest idea what, but something has got to give. I am so tired of not entering my horses in shows because they are all clogged up with over 300 horses all by the same person. I want my discipline horses to have a chance to place well. I don't care if they still get earnings, I want well-placed horses and with over 300 there just is no chance. I am not sure limiting the number of horses one player can enter would work, plenty of people wouldn't like that and there just isn't enough shows to cover them all anyway. I'm not sure if we just need more shows in general. Not everyone creates shows, so if they need to be game-created shows. I don't know. I just know it is out of control and it is exhausting for me as a player. 


Post Count: 71

10/17/2022 7:53 pm

TheDustyAngel: your horses are winning exp and bits regardless of the number of horses, epsecially at tier 1 foundation and local levels, so yeah you're winning more than not entering anything at all.

Maki: here's an example of how it makes it more difficult

Using enter all 2 with halter shows: a 4* male show has 15 horses entered but I have 10 4* males. When I enter all, the oldest 5 get entered and the show runs. Yay, instant results! But the remaining 5 do not get automatically entered in the next 4* male show that's created so I have to go back to the halter arena, refresh the page to get the new show and enter all again to get my remaining 5 entered.  It's a minor annoyance for me but it doesn't bother me much because I only run halters on 2 breeds and just 3-5*s so it's limited to just a couple extra minutes.

If that same process was required for discipline shows then it could make an already long process even longer and I only have 98 horses total and all in the same discipline but I have horses in each of the 8 levels. It takes me about 15 minutes to enter discipline shows each day. If discipline shows functioned the way halter shows do, that time would most likely double due to refreshing the show arena page to access the new shows and then opening each individual show to use enter all 2.

My method for showing (opening 10 tabs per level at a time + enter all 2) would take the same amount of time if I had 400 horses vs the less than 100 I do have. And the time it takes to show more severely impacts people who show in multiple disciplines. There's been discusions previously about changing enter all and I think those should be revisited but until enter all changes, any changes to how shows run will be met with people "complaining" about how long it takes and how something new will make it even longer based on the current system for entering.

I like your suggestion for having more shows available. Since hofa only creates 10 shows anything over that needs to be created by players. If players aren't filling the need then the simplest solution would be to have the game create 15-20 shows per day to spread things out. 



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