Showing needs to change
Maki [Platinum || 919 posts] on 10/15/2022 8:09 pm
I haven't the foggiest idea what, but something has got to give. I am so tired of not entering my horses in shows because they are all clogged up with over 300 horses all by the same person. I want my discipline horses to have a chance to place well. I don't care if they still get earnings, I want well-placed horses and with over 300 there just is no chance. I am not sure limiting the number of horses one player can enter would work, plenty of people wouldn't like that and there just isn't enough shows to cover them all anyway. I'm not sure if we just need more shows in general. Not everyone creates shows, so if they need to be game-created shows. I don't know. I just know it is out of control and it is exhausting for me as a player.
It would almost have to be a revamp of the enter all/enter all 2.
I'm one of those players with over one hundred horses in each show of my disciplines because I tab ten shows and enter all for each. It'd take way too long to portion out a certain number of horses for each show. ๐คทโ๏ธ If there was a randomizing enter all for each discipline, I'd definitely be interested. I don't really care if my horses are all in the same shows, I just want them all shown and I bought the enter all to make it easier and more efficient. I can definitely see the frustration in having fewer of your own horses in shows. I agree that it would be nice to see a lower show cap with higher pay outs, with more game hosted shows.
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Yeah, I am not sure what the best solution to this would be. I am hoping maybe someone else can come up with an idea. Everyone should be able to quickly enter all their horses, but there should also be more wide spread options so they aren't clogged with hundreds of horses. There has to be a happy medium somewhere.
Maybe shows could auto-run at, say, 50 entries? Game created shows would be able to run multiple times in a day so it wouldn't be too big of an issue. I think at that point there should be a higher payout for people hosting shows, though, because that would limit the number of entries they get. Perhaps that would only occur if the shows end up filling/auto-running, but either way the amount of competition for top placings would be drastically reduced.
I like the auto-run idea, similar to the Halter Shows we already have. Seems like it would be a simple solution, but I'm not a coder so I can't really speak to that aspect.
I'm all for a change in the Showing aspect though.
Sorry, I do not support, more so since I just have a different playing style. The halter shows drive me crazy with how long it takes to enter all my horses after the classes auto-run. I prefer fast-entry showing so I can move on to more thoughtful aspects of the game such as breeding. I like throwing all my horses in one class with a quick click and being done with it. If I want certain horses to place better so they get more points, I just add gem tack to them so they place over my lesser horses.
Right but the idea of auto-running shows at a certain number, say 50, and having multiple shows running throughout the day, doesnt effect your play style in any way. Its also helpful to those that dont want to enter with 300 horses. It could be a solution thats a win win for everyone, because the game isnt about how you play it. Thus why people here are trying to figure a solution that helps everyone.
Is having a large number of horses in a show really a problem? When entering I specifically choose shows that already have entries over those that don't. Having a limit to the number of horses that could enter would be a pain, it's one of the reasons I don't enter halter shows aside from foals. I have horses in a limited number of disciplines and use enter all 2 to make showing as quick and painless as possible, I'd be against anything that makes showing more time consuming.
Maki, it does impact play-styles like Spellbound. I play the same way and if I open 10 tabs to enter-all my horses in Local Dressage shows but those 10 shows auto-run before I can enter all of my Local level horses then I need to open 10 MORE tabs and repeat the process all over again. Every discipline has 8 levels so currently that's repeating the same process 80 times. Auto-running shows could double that, requiring up to 160 open tab/enter all steps. And that's just if you keep all your horses in one discipline...
Beyond the difficult logistics of auto-running shows (do they auto run when total number hits 50 or when each tier hits 50? what about higher tiers that rarely reach even half that number? will tiers need to be separated into separate show pages? etc) and the extreme disruption to play-style for a lot of players should any of those changes occur, there's the simple fact that this game is designed to allow all horses regardless of placing to earn exp, grow levels, and even win money. HoFa is the most generous game I've ever played when it comes to offering all horses a chance to improve and all players the ability to continue playing and growing their herds.
If you play this game with a specific desire to win discipline shows, then the game challenges you to breed horses with high BV and high PS in the appropriate discipline stats and even offers a few small incentives with tack to help you achieve that goal.
Lemme ask you this StillOaks, can my horses, really win anything if someone clogs up Reining Local with 300+ horses and all of the shows are full?
Same thing, to a degree, with Flat Racing, Local tier. I specifically remember discussing with Maki, outside of the game, that I could not enter my horses because all of the shows were well over 100+ entries and at that rate, I feel it is pointless to enter.
It's a bit freaking ridiculous to have shows 300+ horses in Reining Local bloated by the same two players over and over again. Sometimes I can get lucky and enter low entered shows, sometimes not. If I enter my horses during the day, then those shows can get filled up and then my horses can't place very well due to the bloating.
I HAD to change how I enter my horses twice already and I will probably have to do it again. Firstly I didn't do the Search function for showing and a lot of my horses in Foundation/Local tiers suffered horribly for it and some are well over 10 years of age, still in those lower tiers. Then I decided to change it via the Search function and managed to do better. I used to enter my horses right at rollover but due to the too many horses folks feel the need that they have to own, bloat the shows I entered into it and thus making my horses suffer more, so I changed it to run my horses as close to midnight ((central time zone)) as I possibly could, so they could do better.
I'm actually taking a break because I got to the point of being frustrated with how many horses are bloating up the lower tier shows with 100+ horses as I used to be able to do 10 entries, now I'm lucky to even enter any or 1 entry at all at how ridiculous it is.
To some players, yes it does matter. I dont want horses that place 250 out of 300. I can breed better horses but its still up against 300+ horses.
I fail to see how it makes it any more difficult. The show fills to 50 and then it enters into next available. Shows can still run overnight regardless if they dont hit 50. It isnt that complicated.
At this point, all I hear is people complaining how hard it is to enter shows and how long it takes and I cant help but wonder why anyone would have hundreds of horses just to constantly be frustrated with how long it takes to enter them. It seems silly to me. I mean play the game how you want but there should still be a middle ground and I really dont see it being impossible to achieve. Heck it could be simple as just having more shows readily available period. It doesnt even need to be something to get up in arms about
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