Raine [Platinum || 282 posts] on 7/26/2022 10:16 pm

I am regaining funds at the moment and will re-open these offers when I can!


Anything crossed out are item groups I am not currently looking for but normally would be, this usually changes with how much funds I have at the moment.


Looking for the following basic dyes, offering $6,000 bits per dye. Blue, Purple, Grey, and Black


Looking for the following flowers in Blue, offering 6,000 bits per flower: Roses, Daisies, Peonies, Carnations, and Lupine with Roses(Blue and Purple)


Looking for the following dyes from the Fall Equinox Collection, offering $12,000 bits per dye. Wine, Mulberry, Midnight, Deep Blue, and Dark Emerald.


Looking for the following dyes from the Winter Solstice Collection, offering $12,000 bits per dye. Snowcream, Dark Teal, Evergreen, Navy, and Ice.


Looking for the following dyes from the Spring Equinox Collection, offering $12,000 bits per dye. Rose Gold, Powder Blue, Mint, and Lavender.


Looking for the following dyes from the Summer Solstice Collection, offering $12,000 bits per dye. Teal, Sky Blue, and Electric Purple.


Send a private trade to me and I will buy it out!




Post Count: 3

7/28/2022 8:03 am

I have some ( 6 hats, 3 blacks and 3 reds )


Post Count: 282

7/28/2022 4:36 pm


Send me a private trade over the marketplace and I will buy it out!



Post Count: 47

7/31/2022 1:54 pm

I also have some I'm not using. At least one full black one and one full use red one. 


Post Count: 282

8/01/2022 1:41 pm



Send me a private trade with the hats you want to sell and I will buy it out!



Post Count: 63

8/01/2022 2:11 pm

Hii there I have a red one and a green one, full uses. I'll send you a trade =) 


Talented but lazy 


Post Count: 30

8/02/2022 9:07 am

I have 6x black, 3x green and 2x grey if you are still interested 


Post Count: 282

8/02/2022 2:22 pm

I am still interested in all of the hats! Send me a private trade in the marketplace and I will buy it out!


Royal Legacy Ranch

Post Count: 54

8/03/2022 1:44 am

I have black and red if you're still looking for some :) 



Darlington Demo



Post Count: 282

8/03/2022 6:23 pm

Yes! Send me a private trade on the marketplace!



Post Count: 30

8/05/2022 4:09 am

Set up a private trade! Sorry didn't see this til now

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