What have you learned about catching Wild Horses
Aleon [Bronze || 89 posts] on 7/23/2022 9:23 am
I have now captured a few horses and has so far found out some things, most about how they like different treats
Most of the horses I have captured has liked Alfalfa and Oats the same. It's what is added to the basic that is interesting.
So far I can see that most horses range the additon in the order carrot, apple, clover. If we add molasses to the treat the normal increasement of bond is sweet alfalfa carrot 20%, sweet alfalfa apple 16 % and sweet alfalfa clover 12%. I found one notificatioon for an andalusian mare that gave the sweet alfalfa clover treat 20% all the rest of the result follows the main rule.
Whistle is a love or hate item I have not found anything that says which horse like it and which detest it. If they don't like it you loose 15% if the bond
Petting is a risky move. I have so far not found one single horse who likes it.
So far I have not been brave enought to try the lasso due to information from others that it's no huge sucess to use it.
Conclusion so far. Treats and more treats. I create them first of all with carrots and if I run out of them with apple. For me it's oat and alfalfa that is the limiting ingredient so I don't think I will have to use any clover to make treats.
I've only successfully caught two, both times by only petting. One's a Welsh c and just now I caught an Irish cob. The one horse I tried bribing with treats ran off lol.
edited to add just caught another Welsh c with only petting, maybe they're a particularly friendly breed or I've just met ones that respond well to it.
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that they dont like waiting
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treat a horse how you want the horse to treat you back ๐ด
I got my first wild solely on petting and most horses I have tried I got good boosts on petting. Some likes treats and others did not
I wonder if it differs between differnt kind of horses? I have not tried with any ponys or draft horses.
My experiens is from arabians (3/3 catched), morgans (0/2), Appalosa (0/1), Andalusian (0/1), Dutch warmblood (1/1). I have not mentioned those breeds that did run at the first interaction.
I haven't recorded those that ran away but so far with just petting I'm up to 2 Welsh c, 1 Irish cob, 1 Arabian and 1 Thoroughbred.
I caught my first wild horse today! Strangely enough mostly with petting with a treat and a rope use.
I stick with petting at first because half the time if I give them a treat they run away instantly. lol. So I'm trying to save the treats up for when I have the whistle and the rope with a lot of treats to alternate with the petting, since I would think most horses would prefer the treats to just petting. I feel like I got lucky today but I'm happy for it!
Interesting that it differs so. When I have treid to pet the arabians tehy have lost bond. I don't think I have any sucess at all with petting
I was told when I got my percheron they are friendlier. I just pet him once and he was mine. Most else has been Warmbloods. I just had a dutch and fed it a treat and then again and it ran
My best routine is pet until you get the +30 bonus, give a sweet treat, pet again and they have been easy to call from that.
I have started a pet project. Most horses I have no interest in so my plan is to pet them and see how htey react. So far I have founda fjord and he was not impressed with it. Will continue and see what happens just need the game to throw some horses my way again
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