What have you learned about catching Wild Horses

Aleon [Bronze || 87 posts] on 7/23/2022 9:23 am

I have now captured a few horses and has so far found out some things, most about how they like different treats

Most of the horses I have captured has liked Alfalfa and Oats the same. It's what is added to the basic that is interesting.
So far I can see that most horses range the additon in the order carrot, apple, clover. If we add molasses to the treat the normal increasement of bond is sweet alfalfa carrot 20%, sweet alfalfa apple 16 % and sweet alfalfa clover 12%. I found one notificatioon for an andalusian mare that gave the sweet alfalfa clover treat 20% all the rest of the result follows the main rule.

Whistle is a love or hate item I have not found anything that says which horse like it and which detest it. If they don't like it you loose 15% if the bond

Petting is a risky move. I have so far not found one single horse who likes it.

So far I have not been brave enought to try the lasso due to information from others that it's no huge sucess to use it.

Conclusion so far. Treats and more treats. I create them first of all with carrots and if I run out of them with apple. For me it's oat and alfalfa that is the limiting ingredient so I don't think I will have to use any clover to make treats.


Post Count: 6

7/24/2023 2:48 pm

I pretty much pet until that 30%, feed a few treats, and then try to lasso. If that doesn't work, I'll go back to petting and treats. When I'm out of energy or treats I switch to alternating whistle and lasso.

Koala Blue Estate

Post Count: 24

7/27/2023 7:58 am

Hi everyone, This is actually my very first post since joining 2 days ago. So far there is much to learn but i am loving Horse Fable thus far.

I went exploring yesterday and the wilds that I did come across all ran away as I had nothing in storage to use and ofcourse patting wasnt working and they bolted off.

Today however was a very different story and I'm ecstatic. I caught my very first wild horse and his the most ADORABLE shetland Pony. To my surprise I got him solely by patting him. Now that i have him I have no idea what to do with him. Should i give him a discipline, stud him or sell him.

Mr. Tibbs

Edited 2 times


Eldritch L Horror

Post Count: 3

8/05/2023 5:30 pm

ive only ever caught them with petting and the whistle honestly. the three or so times ive tried with treats (they were horses I really wanted cause they would be useful for my breeding project) they ran almost immediately. so i just pet and cross my fingers.

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