Leobreds [Series Moved To Art Shop!]
Acoustic [Basic || 215 posts] on 5/17/2022 12:03 am
Happy Monday!
I'd like to have all my leobreds trained and shown and would like to do two retrievals: one in fungi valley and the other in inside-out cavens.
I feel like I'm posting every five minutes lol I'm assuming this is the start of a new year, though SO
I'd like #021's name to be changed to Cash, his discipline set to maze running and I'd like him trained and competed for the year.
I'd also like to do my two retrievals, one in the Musical Forest, and one in the inside-out caverns if I can!
100k on iridescent roan
250i on the other bb
also i'd like to buy a straw off the flaxen from the breeder! sending straw bits now!
Hello hello, I would like all of my children trained and entered for the week please!
Bidding 300i on the rev crackle!
Would also like to pull an egg from the blue roan mare traveling breeder, will send payment shortly.
For my two retrievals this year, I would like to pick Inside Out Caverns, and Fungi valley please
Just saw the new Leo's. I'd like to take an egg from the traveling breeder's roan mare, and go 350i for the Rev crackle!
Edit: sent bits for the egg
Edited 1 times
400i on crackle
200k iri roan
450i on crackle
I would like to do two park retrevials, one in fungi valley and one in inside-out cavern. I would also like to train all my leobreds in hunting and enter all their comps!
300k Roan
700i crackle
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