Leobreds [Series Moved To Art Shop!]

Acoustic [Basic || 130 posts] on 5/17/2022 12:03 am



Post Count: 130

5/23/2022 3:27 am

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Post Count: 227

5/23/2022 11:26 am



I would like to set my leobred's discipline to hunting and fully train her for the week. I have also named her Venus. c:


I would also like to do two park retrievals, one in the musical forest and one in fungi forest!


Post Count: 282

5/23/2022 12:17 pm

I would like to set Sol's discipline to hunting and have her fully trained for the week.


I would also like to do two park retrieval attempts, one at Fungi Valley and one at Inside-Out Caverns.

Edited 1 times



Post Count: 130

5/23/2022 1:57 pm

Foxglove Meadows

❧ Venus's discipline has been set to Hunting and has been trained 2 times!

❧ Your Musical Forest retrieval succeeded! The ranger has found a Red Chestnut Dun Sabino colt.

❧ Your Fungi Valley retrieval succeeded! The ranger has found a Brown Bay Varnish Roan filly.


CPG Leobreds

❧ Sol's discipline has been set to Hunting and has been trained 2 times!

❧ Your Fungi Valley retrieval succeeded! The ranger has found a Standard Chestnut Snowcap filly.

❧ Your Inside-Out Caverns retrieval failed! The ranger didn't see any perds today, but maybe next year!


Remember to pay the park rangers for any successful retrievals! Congrats on your new yearlings!

Edited 3 times


Post Count: 282

5/23/2022 2:04 pm

Sent 15,000bits for the successful retrieval.


I would like to have Sol shown at 3 Hunting competitions.



ERA Moderator

Post Count: 80

5/23/2022 2:19 pm


I would like Caspian to be trained in barrel racing, and please have him trained for the week!

Also, I would like to do two retrievals please! One in Fungi valley and the other in Inside out Caverns. Thank you!

Edited 2 times


Post Count: 51

5/23/2022 2:51 pm

am late but better late than never yeehaw

Name: Shokubeni

Affiliation: Dozing Green

Species Interest: the art! the fun! the fact i've yet to do something like this! 

Affiliation Goals: i'd mostly truly love to have high stat, working horses. color is fun and all but gimme da PURPOSE. 

Interest in Breeder’s Guild?: yes!

Interest in Competitor Association?: yes!

Interest in Conservation Organization?: yes! 

Interest in future FFNP programs?: yes!


Post Count: 130

5/24/2022 12:08 am

CPG Leobreds

❧ Sol has completed her competitions for the year!

Comp 1: The judges notice Sol trot impatiently in place before the start of the round. Right before the bell is rung, she false starts, yanking her handler to the ground before he can release her. The judges, unimpressed, quietly take notes.

Comp 2: When the round starts, Sol gets into a beautiful stalking position only to begin clumsily crashing through the dense vegetation. She only makes it a few yards before she stops to look around, appearing lost. The maximum time ringer sounds before she can remember where she is.

Comp 3: Sol is weaving her way through bushes when a low hanging branch brushes her back, causing her to startle and buck out at the tree. Her focus now gone, she simply drops her head and begins to graze. At the end of the round, a judge approaches the handler to worriedly suggest reintroducing Sol to the basics again.


Elk Ridge

❧ Caspian's discipline has been set to Barrel Racing and has been trained 2 times!

❧ Your Fungi Valley retrieval succeeded! The ranger has found a Black filly.

❧ Your Inside-Out Caverns retrieval succeeded! The ranger has found a Silver Seal Bay Roan colt.


Remember to pay the park rangers for any successful retrievals. Congrats on your new yearlings!

Edited 4 times

ERA Moderator

Post Count: 80

5/24/2022 12:29 am

Sending bits now! 

I would also like to enter caspian into 3 barrel racing comps please!


Post Count: 130

5/24/2022 1:00 am

Elk Ridge

❧ Caspian has completed his competitions for the year!

Comp 1: When the round starts, Caspian refuses to move. His rider tries their best to encourage him, and he does eventually take a step...half a minute later. The judges look at each other, not sure if what is happening is a joke or not.

Comp 2: Caspian manages to dart out of the gate well but for some reason charges at the barrel farthest away. The rider attempts to correct him, but he is convinced he knows what he is doing and circles the one barrel before charging back to the starting gate. One judge leans towards another and whispers something, both nodding with a doubtful expression.

Comp 3: When Caspian's name is called for his turn, he is nowhere to be found. After a minute or two, the judges find out that he is bickering with another owner's stallion in an attempt to assert dominance. After several careful attempts, his rider manages to get Caspian under control long enough to get him to the gate. However, he acts stubbornly once the round starts and refuses to do anything but trot around the barrels.

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