Indicator if a horse is inbred

simplyputjay [Basic || 4 posts] on 3/02/2022 6:37 pm

I'm trying to breed five star horses from foundation and studding to horses from other players. However, I'd rather none of the horses I stud to are inbred. I'm not sure if there are any negatives to breeding related horses or not but I don't exactly want to find out the hard way.

Right now it's time consuming to look through the lineage of horses to see if they're inbred or not. Maybe a small notice on the bottom of the page could be added, saying something like "This horse is inbred." It would be helpful to any breeders like me that don't want to breed related horses.


Insert something witty here.


Post Count: 282

3/02/2022 7:34 pm

There currently are no negatives to inbreeding.


Many of the older lines that came from the last version or so of Horse Fable have had their relatives fully deleted so for some horses you just won't know for sure even if a notice were to be added. I do believe this was suggested in the previous version of Horse Fable but enough people didn't like the idea of it.


I have no opinion either way on the idea. Fine for me if its added, fine if its not.

Edited 1 times



Post Count: 146

3/02/2022 8:07 pm

For me, it just matters if the horses are visible in the pedigree on the breeding page (3 generations). After that, I consider any duplicate as linebreeding and don't consider the foals as 'inbred'.  IRL linebreeding is an important part of every domestic animal breeding program (horses, dogs, cattle, rabbits, you name it) in the formation of breeds and maintaining desirable traits. 


"Linebreeding tends to preserve the traits of a family of dogs or bloodline while at the same time keeping a good diversity in the gene pool. Linebreeding produces more consistent litters assuring uniformity of the quality valued by the breeder without risking the hereditary dangers of inbreeding." Article here:


Post Count: 4

3/02/2022 9:32 pm

You both raise good points!

And thank you for the articles you linked Talitha, I didn't know about that. They were very informative ๐Ÿ˜Š


Insert something witty here.


Post Count: 282

3/02/2022 9:50 pm

I do my breeding the same was as Talitha, as long as the foal has no displayed inbreeding on its page once born I don't consider it really "inbred". I think that is a pretty popular way of breeding in general. I know some people do want absolutely no inbreeding in their lines for the extra challenge but it is super difficult to tell which lines end where, especially when the horses no longer exist.



Post Count: 43

3/07/2022 9:43 am

In real life, if you go back far enough you tend to find that any horse with a known pedigree has some shared ancestors - they say every living Thoroughbred is descended from Eclipse. So in most cases I'm happy to stick to the 'three generations' level on here. (I'm trying to keep my own foundation lines clean, but that's mostly just because it makes the game more interesting for me.)

Fluffy Horror

Post Count: 132

3/07/2022 11:35 am

Honestly I'd be down for this, I'm meticulous enough about inbreeding to go down the entire line of a horse. I'm only on Gen 3 of my own lines and I'm not looking forward to the day the entire lineage isn't visible.

I'd love something like this, maybe just something small on the lineage page indicating the percentage of inbreeding, so people who don't care don't feel penalized by it, but those who do care can find it easily?


Post Count: 181

3/07/2022 8:21 pm

I agree with Fluffy! I think alittle indicator would be nice!

"And if she is in your life, you must know she believes you're a battle worth fighting for." -JM Storm <3

Silver Sage

Post Count: 6

3/22/2022 5:54 pm



Honestly, I absolutely couldn't care less if any of my pixels or data is "inbred" and I'll never understand why anyone else does either. But since there are people who feel so strongly about it, I think this is a fair request, as long as it's unobtrusive. Maybe a little symbol or something on the horses' pedigree pages.



Post Count: 138

3/23/2022 3:42 pm

If there is an inbreeding indicator, I do hope it gives a % of inbreeding. It's vastly different to have a horse with 1 grandparent appearing once on each side and another horse which is a brother x sister offspring.


Post Count: 1

3/24/2022 1:30 pm

I love the way Pedigree Query shows their inbreeding, they just have a little marker that indicates if the same horse shows up twice or more in the pedigree.

Example (my friend's horse)

Maybe just that plus a little inbreeding percentage thing would be good, I love a good COI (coefficient of inbreeding)

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