Indicator if a horse is inbred
simplyputjay [Basic || 4 posts] on 3/02/2022 6:37 pm
I'm trying to breed five star horses from foundation and studding to horses from other players. However, I'd rather none of the horses I stud to are inbred. I'm not sure if there are any negatives to breeding related horses or not but I don't exactly want to find out the hard way.
Right now it's time consuming to look through the lineage of horses to see if they're inbred or not. Maybe a small notice on the bottom of the page could be added, saying something like "This horse is inbred." It would be helpful to any breeders like me that don't want to breed related horses.
Insert something witty here.
I would love this
I support this idea and agree with what @Silver Sage has said! It would help players who do care about inbreeding find out easier instead of them having to scroll through possibly twenty pages. For those who don't care, they don't have to pay attention to it (that's if it isn't extremely noticable or in-your-face). I don't see why not :)
And like Sage said: "But since there are people who feel so strongly about it, I think this is a fair request, as long as it's unobtrusive."
Though there may be a possibility that some players who don't care about inbreeding, may find the icon/percentage marker for inbreeding annoying or won't like it for whatever reason.
I was thinking if a marker was added, perhaps we could have an option in the Account or Estate Settings to toggle this inbreeding marker on or off? I'm not sure how difficult/easy it would be to implement this feature let alone the markers but it might mean that players have more options to customise (what they see on) their horse profiles.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Edited 1 times
I THINK THIS FORUM IS A GREAT IDEA I COMPLETELY AGREE!!!! Or even if there are close relatives in the breeding...
Good Idea to simplyputjay!!!
Look a the Marketplace for horses they have some of the coolest horses and potentially your future champians
"Adopt Not Shop" - Gregg Sulkin
Appy, Friesidale, POA, and Tovero Irish Cob Lover through and through!!
Support!! I think that having an icon or message show up when you go to breed two horses would be a good idea, as well as an icon or something on the horses page- maybe like the wild/foundation/custom messages? I think it only matters for the visible/three generation pedigree though.
Support! I try to avoid inbreeding within the first 3 generations where possible, but sometimes I slip up. (And in some cases, like leopard complex Irish Cobs, it's going to be difficult or impossible to avoid if you want purebreds that are LpLp. Even if it's not obvious within the first 3 gens, going back far enough will often show some inbreeding.)
I would support this but after a few generations passing they wouldn't really be considered related like in real life. Most animals usually have the same ancestry but it will change enough over time that they aren't that related anymore so that inbreeding probably won't be a problem.
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