New player, thought I'd introduce myself :)

Solcyst [Basic || 2 posts] on 3/22/2025 3:40 am

Hi everyone! I'm super new but wanted to come and say hi. Having a lot of fun, even though I'm still figuring out how to play. Nice to meet you all! :)

Goose RS

Post Count: 136

3/22/2025 1:13 pm

Hi! Nice to meet you if you need anything let me know!

If you have any questions ask here!โ†










Post Count: 514

3/22/2025 1:35 pm

Hi there!! Great to have you! What breed(s) are you going for?


Post Count: 391

3/22/2025 6:31 pm



In case you need some help with earning/keeping bits as a newer player, use this as a guideline too.




Post Count: 2

3/22/2025 8:35 pm

Thank you for the really helpful guides! At the moment I have a couple of Irish Cobs (I love the genetics and the coat combos) but I'm thinking that having a wild herd would be fun too. 

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