How to switch horses in Explore?

RadShad [Basic || 4 posts] on 3/01/2025 4:16 pm

When i try to switch horses in explore, the drop down menu doesn't list any horses. Anyone else experience this or am I missing something? TIA for the help!


Post Count: 391

3/01/2025 4:49 pm

Do they have energy? No injuries that you forgot to heal? Do they have Explore checkbox ticked in their edit portion of their page?




Post Count: 4

3/02/2025 12:55 am

OH I feel silly. I unchecked the explore option in their path. I was wondering what those boxes did! Thank you for the help!


Post Count: 391

3/02/2025 8:34 am

No problem! This is a common issue newer players run into.



Short run down of it all is, if all the boxes are ticked with a checkmark, it means that horse can be used in Disciplines, Halters, Careers and Explores. If you do not want a horse doing any of that or want them to do something specifically, you simply untick the box ((until only one or two are ticked)). This way your horses set for Halters/Showing isn't wasting energy accidentally being used in Careers or Explore and vice versa.

Edited 1 times



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