HELP!!! Glitch or cheater?
Goose RS [Basic || 136 posts] on 2/27/2025 1:49 pm
I had around 10,000 bits, but when I logged in one morning, they were all gone. I was left with just one bit. Now, I’m broke and unable to take care of my horses. Please don’t offer me free money; that’s not what I’m asking for! I am selling a lot of my horses because of this situation, so let me know if I need to lower my prices (I base my prices on coat colors).
I’m not sure if this is a glitch or a result of cheating, but be cautious!
(Also do I put this in Horse sales or Help?)
You could check your transaction to see where your bits went to.
Was this on hand or in your bank? Regardless though, check your Transactions to see where the bits went to and either make a bug report/message a mod to get further information, then post a bug report or adjust accordingly and always make sure to have bits in the bank account to fall back on.
It most likely went to boarding fees if you have more horses than you can board at home. Your bank transactions will tell you exactly where it went to. You might just have more horses than you can afford. Its highly unlikely a bug or cheating
Thank you! I appreciate your support and answers!
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