Campaign question

Spooky [Basic || 34 posts] on 2/26/2025 9:48 pm

How do you go about starting a campaign for a crossbreed? Im thinking about starting trying to make miniature horses with like shetlands and welsh A


Post Count: 391

2/27/2025 3:24 am



There is a small subsection that discusses Campaigns with a link to the proper page. Club Keys cost 500 ingots.




Post Count: 996

2/27/2025 8:21 am

There are so so so many campaigns right now, I much recommend finding and joining one already started. Campaigns are a lot of work and a lot of money and without a ton of people working on it can take many years to realize. 


Miniature Appaloosa's is pretty similar. Same breeds plus Appys 

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