Training Market!
Clyde [Bronze || 34 posts] on 2/24/2025 8:33 am
What is a training market?
A trainingsmarket would be a place where you can train other people's horses for bits or ingots with a loaning system.
How does it work?
Player A: Puts horse on trainingsmarket, they want to get their foal trained, puts advertisement on the trainingsmarket for (example) bits, puts limit of days (example.)
Player B: Sees Player A's advertisement, accepts offer. Trains foal in a few days, sends horse back, recieves the bits from the system.
Player A: Puts horse on trainingsmarket, they want to get their adult horse trained in Model Horse career from Beginner to Proficient. Puts reward and limit of days.
Player B: Accepts offer, trains adult horse in a few weeks, sends horse back, recieves the bits from the system.
These are just examples!
This is straightforward and useful! Is this part of a feature request? If so, I completely support it!
@Goose i don't know what you mean but it would be a new feature yes
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