Norwind (Mustang X Friesian)

HorseBreeder2024 [Basic || 35 posts] on 1/26/2025 9:29 pm

Is there anyone else who want's to join The Norwind Association and help get a new breed onto the game? We currently have 3 members and 20 Registered horses with 5 of those horses being registered into the 1st Generation! Any help is appreciated! : D


Post Count: 9

1/29/2025 11:42 pm

Ha! Just when I was wondering what to do with some new Friesians and Mustangs I've been collecting from the wilds. I'm intrigued! Gonna focus on getting some more horses and training them up, but I'll hopefully be registering some G1s in the coming days!

Edited 1 times


Post Count: 35

2/12/2025 8:12 pm

Sweet! Can't wait!


Post Count: 36

2/22/2025 6:09 am

Oooh i would love norwinds

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