Weekly Wednesday Update

1/15/2025 9:55 pm

Happy Wednesday everyone! 


๐Ÿ“š Progress

The admin team has had a couple busy weeks lately so it may appear like weโ€™re a little quiet on the frontend but weโ€™re still busy working on stuff behind the scenes. A few things that are ongoing: 


  • The Welcome Packets for new helpers is done and just being reviewed for final edits.
  • Weโ€™re making plans and getting a list together of the things we want to accomplish this year. 
    • This includes squashing bugs, art updates, bringing back some old events and giving them a facelift, as well as more community interaction. (Bring back BOTM you say?)
  • In our plans, when weโ€™re ready to onboard the focus group helpers, one of our first projects with them will be evaluating the enter all buttons. We know this has been a big request.  Itโ€™s important to note that the enter alls have been through several remakes in the past, so having to redo them again is a little bit of a daunting task for our dev but we hear your feedback and will see what we can do.
  • A new wiki software is on our to-do list. We have it picked out but itโ€™ll take several dev hours dedicated to get it up and going. But this new software will be easier to update and should give us the capabilities to have article writers and an approval process!


โœจ Next Breed Redo: Mustangs

Just a reminder that with Mustangs being our next breed redo, we opened a forum for players to discuss possible pose changes and things they believe should be featured in the new art. Check that out here.


๐Ÿฆ„ A Lil Peek

Our Walkaloosaโ€™s are at the saddle shop getting the final fittings for all their tack, how about a peek at how theyโ€™re looking? 


Bedouin, Curly, & Roze


Post Count: 947

1/15/2025 9:59 pm

Omg more pretty art ๐Ÿ˜


Has anyone actually been contacted yet for helpers or are you waiting to reach out until you have everything together?


Post Count: 135

1/15/2025 10:03 pm

Thank you for the Wednesday update. The Walkaloosa art is gorgeous!!! They look great in the tack and that is such a pretty color. So excited to see how mine turn out (colorwise) once the art is officially updated! ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ’–



Roze Admin

Post Count: 329

1/15/2025 10:07 pm

@Maki - We have not reached out yet. We're making sure our welcome packet is finalized first. :) 


Post Count: 310

1/15/2025 10:18 pm

hehe nice tackset so excited for the walkas!!! and i'm happy to hear that EA and the wiki are being tackled soon ๐Ÿ’š


Post Count: 205

1/15/2025 10:20 pm

Walkas lookin good ๐Ÿ‘€


Post Count: 104

1/15/2025 11:39 pm

Ahhh!!! OOmg I'm so excited I could die for the walka art. It's looking so good! Thank you!


Post Count: 496

1/16/2025 7:40 am

Oh my sweet Walkas ๐Ÿ’œ What marking is that?

Roze Admin

Post Count: 329

1/16/2025 8:40 am

This is reverse dapple iirc! 

Majestic Stables

Post Count: 1

1/16/2025 8:42 am

Walkaloosa looking good. Beautiful.


Post Count: 496

1/16/2025 10:16 am

@Roze - ohhh my stars now I have to breed one. A combo I do not have yet ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿผ

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