Baronial Reign's RESCUE CENTRE!~

Tanzanite~ [Basic || 2 posts] on 1/15/2025 6:15 pm

As you step into a well-maintained estate; large paddocks sprawled around, filled with horse of all sizes, colours, and breeds. In the center of the lush, green grasses is a barn- yet not the primmest, it is a hearty place, reminiscent of what feels like ` home `, tall yet somewhat squat wooden-panelled walls with squeaky barn doors. The inside is warm, with hay sprawled along the sides of the hallway, and cozy, bedded stalls with content equines lazing inside. A sign you remember from the side of the road comes back to your mind when you drove into the lot-- โ€œWelcome to.. Baronial Reign!โ€



Baronial Reign was founded newly, a just-starter created by a horse-lover and equestrian who aspired to make a loving, welcoming and safe place for any unwanted, unhoused, or equines needing a safe place to be sent to. At Baronial Reign, horses which are sent in for surrender go through a rehabilitation process to get them back into shape and ready. Then, equines will go through the process of finding a home. If we do not think the horse could go through all of that due to old age or injury, they will live the rest of their lives on our green pastures. 


Surrendering a horse:

To surrender a horse, please contact us through this forum, and fill out a survey--


Horse's Name:

Registered Name ( if any ):


Sterilized / Gelded?:



Any current or previous injuries?:


How many foals has the horse had?:

Personality Summary:

Horse's Link:


When you surrender a horse, please send them to us in private trade. If you'd like to surrender multiple horses, please contact our mail box and provide the needed information!


Adopting a horse:

When you adopt a horse, you will need to also fill out a survey which holds you accountable for the horse's well-being, heath, and safety--


Horse's Name:

Registered Name ( if any ):

Are you planning to show this horse?:

Are you planning to breed this horse ( if unsterilized / ungelded )?:

Will you care for this horse, and contact Baronial Reign if you are not taking you duties as an owner?:

Will you not retire this horse, and return it to Baronial Reign if you do not wish to take care of it anymore?:


Horse up for Adoption:

Our horses which are currently up for adoption are:

Currently no horses!




Funding & Donating:

If you would like to donate to Baronial Reign Rescue ( we would really appreciate it if you did ), please send us a payment with your favoured currency! Our list of donors will be posted here:

Currently no donors!


Our Thanks!:

We thank you greatly for deciding to take a look at this forum, and reading through it all-- we appreciate every single ounce of support we can get! Thank you so much, and have a lovely day!


- Tanzanite! <3




Post Count: 7

1/17/2025 5:54 pm

When Do you think adoptions will be open ?? :)

Image result for Horse art that says be you


Post Count: 2

1/18/2025 8:42 am

Hey @Basil123! 
We currently do not know when our adoptions will be open, that depends on when we get surrenders, and when they pass rehabilitation! Right now, we do not have any surrenders, so we canโ€™t give an exact date-

However, if youโ€™d like, we can mail you to let you know when some adoptions pop up!

- Tanzanite <3


Post Count: 7

1/18/2025 1:34 pm

Gladley i'd love to know when some are ready for adoption ^^!

Image result for Horse art that says be you

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