New Mustang Art Ideas

Curly [Admin || 618 posts] on 1/08/2025 7:44 pm

Howdy folks!

This forum is for everyone to compile thoughts, ideas, and images about how you believe the new Mustang art should be redone. Feel free to have civil conversations about preferences but do remember that we take all suggestions into consideration. Drop some comments below so your voice can be heard! This forum will stay open until our final Mustang sketch is complete. :)




Post Count: 81

1/10/2025 9:21 pm

I love thicker mustangs. Big dinner plate feet, thick legs, compact muscles. 

Or something like this. Both studs and mares do it to move the herd.

 What is Snaking?

Wild / Feral Horse stallion snaking (herding behavior)
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The Four Brothers: Wild Stallions of the Virginia Range | American Wild  Horse Conservation


Post Count: 318

1/10/2025 9:28 pm

ooo i did consider snaking but wasn't sure if it would cause difficulties with the tack artwork and other decor


Post Count: 210

1/11/2025 2:09 pm

As someone who lives where Mustangs are prevalent (that JT Humphrey picture was taken maybe 25 minutes from my house as the crow flies, he's a popular Mustang photographer and historian of sorts where I live), I love the “battle poses” for the Mustang art.  It captures their wild essence, their beauty, and is a nod to their history as rough-and-tumble-do-it-all versatile horses.

I also like the thicker Mustangs as there is a lot of Baroque and Draft influence in the herds, alongside the Stock Horse breed influences as well.  Having worked with many formerly wild Mustangs (thanks horse rescues and TIP Trainer friends!) they have a much stockier, heartier build to them than most other breeds (and yes I know Mustangs are more mutts of the horse world than true purebreds due to their genetic history).  

I feel like Mustangs on HoFa should represent their wild history and not be posed in a way that makes their art tied to a specific discipline.


Post Count: 29

1/19/2025 9:10 pm

The thick stockiness is one of the things I love most about Mustangs. It's always given me the impression of being strong, sturdy. Ready and able to take on the wilds. I don't remember the old art anymore, but I do remember thinking the new (current) art just made them look chubby. I'm not an artist, so I'm sure there's a fine line between “stocky” and “chubby” that makes it hard to do.


Maki's 1st, 3rd, and 4th pics are great - the first one gives off a watchful feel while the third one embodies the readiness to fight, and the fourth just being proud and beautiful. Both horses in Forgotten's 3rd pic are great poses, too. I'm not a fan of the current half-rear pose, or rearing poses in general for the most part, but something taller and more energetic might be interesting.


I love the energy in all of Middy's suggestions. Whether it's more of a walk like #1 or a run like #2, it'd be beautiful. And pretty unique, as there aren't(?) any current breeds doing that type of pose.


Post Count: 34

1/20/2025 12:53 am

Or maybe even something like this? →


Post Count: 34

1/20/2025 12:53 am

Or this? →

Lop rabbit

Post Count: 35

2/14/2025 5:37 pm

Would Love to see a Rearing horse Like this.

Calming a Mustang Stud – The Horse

Constantly breeding manchado anglos!

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