Frozen Tab Horse Boarding
Nichiikwe [Basic || 27 posts] on 1/07/2025 7:54 pm
I made a frozen tab for the first time a few days ago and moved some horses into it that I don't plan to be using for anything any time soon, as I assume most do with a frozen tab. I thought it'd take them out of boarding centers I had them in prior to moving them, but it seems that's not the case? I don't want to keep paying for boarding when I'm not using them. I can't change their boarding without taking each one out of the tab, and I'm not quite sure how to do that, either. Mass moving them from the tab management?
unfortunately horses have to be boarded or they can't be frozen in a tab, but you could try boarding your frozen horses at home and have your active ones boarded at other stables until you have more space.
Oh, okay. Thanks!
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