Oinks Discount Store [OPEN]

Oink [Platinum || 28 posts] on 12/19/2024 3:01 pm




*You look around but find that the shelves in this area are bare - you can hear the commotion of the owner in the back of the store working on getting more inventory*


⇝Item⇜                     ⇝Amount⇜                  ⇝Price⇜

Gift Bow                       3x                                  300 ea

Poinsettia                      12x                                300 ea



⇝Item⇜                    ⇝Amount⇜                 ⇝Price⇜

Elusive Black Cat              4x                              300 ea

Grey Wolf                         24x                             300 ea

Turkey                               8x                               300 ea

White Stoat                      5x                                500 ea



➯ Have any gem put on your choice of tack for 100 bits more


*You look around but find that the shelves in this area are bare - you can hear the commotion of the owner in the back of the store working on getting more inventory*



➯ Have any dye put on your choice of saddle pad or polos for 50 bits more


⇝Item⇜                  ⇝Amount⇜                 ⇝Price⇜

Black Dye                        6x                             750 ea

Blue Dye                         35x                             750 ea

Burnt Leaf Dye                7x                              1750 ea

Cinnamon Dye                 9x                              1750 ea

Dark Emerald Dye           11x                             1750 ea

Dark Teal Dye                 7x                               1750 ea

Deep Amethyst Dye         13x                             1750 ea

Evergreen Dye                 15x                             1750 ea

Frasier Fir Dye                 15x                             1750 ea

Green Dye                       30x                             750 ea

Grey Dye                          20x                            750 ea

Ice Dye                             4x                               1750 ea

Mustard Dye                     8x                               750 ea

Navy Dye                         10x                              1750 ea

Orange Dye                      40x                              750 ea

Pink Dye                           44x                              750 ea

Purple Dye                        35x                               750 ea

Red Dye                            50x                               750 ea

Sage Dye                           10x                               750 ea

Snowcream Dye                10x                                  1750 ea

Sugar Cookie Dye             10x                                  1750 ea

Yellow Dye                       40x                                 750 ea


⇝Item⇜                        ⇝Amount⇜                       ⇝Price⇜

Assorted Sweet Treats         200x                                  12,000 ea

       * Purchase over 25 treats and get them for 10,000 ea



➯ For 300 bits more receive a saddle pad or polos in the color of your choice from the dye list available above

➯ For 500 bits more receive both a saddle pad and polos in the color of your choice from the dye list above


⇝Item⇜                                ⇝Amount⇜                       ⇝Price⇜

Plain Candy Witch Hat              2x                                      200 ea

Plain Galaxy Witch Hat             2x                                      200 ea

Plain Green Witch Hat              1x                                      200 ea

Plain Orange Witch Hat            1x                                      200 ea

Santa Hat                                  9x                                       500 ea


⇝Item⇜                                ⇝Amount⇜                       ⇝Price⇜

Cook Book                                    2x                                    OFFER

Dye Guide                                    2x                                     OFFER

Gemology Guide                          2x                                     OFFER

Lucky Rock                                  2x                                     OFFER

Ingots                                          2000                                    500 ea

Oaken Fields

Post Count: 113

12/19/2024 3:42 pm

I'm interested in your entire background inventory; all of your skeleton paints and all of your unicorn horns.


Post Count: 41

12/19/2024 3:42 pm

Could I get all of the following, please? 

- Gems
- Sweet Treats
- Dark Emerald Dye
- Deep Blue Dye
- Midnight Dye
- Mulberry Dye
- Wine Dye


Post Count: 28

12/19/2024 4:19 pm

Purchase confirmations have been sent and store inventory updated

Goose RS

Post Count: 129

12/19/2024 7:01 pm

One of each tack set pls!








Post Count: 39

12/19/2024 8:15 pm

Can I get 10 whistles please?

Lu Luah

Post Count: 30

12/20/2024 1:26 am

I will buy all your lassos and all your whisles


Post Count: 95

12/20/2024 10:09 am

I will buy 5x black dyes and If possible could you lower the price of the black roses to 50 bits? If so then I will take 5.


Post Count: 98

12/30/2024 10:43 pm

Hello - if they are still available I would love two bats, two elusive black cats, 2 reindeer, 2 white wolves, and 2 white stoats.  The heart jack o lantern and pumpkin bundles as well please.  Also 2 each of the tail ribbons.  :D 

Edited 1 times

image host


Post Count: 28

1/07/2025 2:53 pm

Hi All - We are currently open and our inventory has been updated!


Post Count: 36

1/07/2025 5:12 pm

Hi! Can I buy all of your whistles and tail ribbons please?

Edited 1 times

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