Kindred Katana Kharacters - SALE!
Katanaa [Bronze || 207 posts] on 11/29/2024 2:42 pm
Kindred Katana Kreations
I am opening up a thread to sell my design characters, will post as I create them!
Credits MUST remain on the image and never removed.
Once the design is claimed, you have 24 hours to send payment, or it will be resold. Other payment options are available if preferred including USD or DA Points.
Will consider a trade for gaited type horse character/art for one of my characters (American Saddlebreds preferably).
Horse may be traded or gifted, but never sold for more than it was bought, unless other art is included.
You are free to choose the fine details & backstory of the character.
I can transfer via Toyhouse or send you the original file.
*To view the larger image please drag to browser tab or right click and "open image in a new tab"
1- Gold Champagne + ee Aa Ch w20 PRICE: 75K
2- Chestnut + ee Aa ff Pp w20 PRICE: 75K
3- sooty bay + Ee Aa So PRICE: 75K SOLD TO KUEENY

These are BEAUTIFUL!
Thank you Astral <3

Hey, Just to let you know you've removed the artist's original signature, which is against their rules for this free to use base. They also mention in the comments you should link back to their deviantart if you post their work off-site. Please respect the original artist and the rules they set for their work.
Their signatire should remain in the bottom right of their artwork in the size and font they had it & your post should have a link to their artwork.
Once you finish the crediting issue I would like to buy number 3 ๐
@kueeny - great!
@mouse - Yes ! I didn't want the credit to not show up as it was white, when I get home I will fix the files
Edited 1 times

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