Weekly Cash Prizes for New Players OPEN

Kueeny [Gold || 106 posts] on 11/28/2024 10:02 am

Weekly Cash Prizes for New Players Only 


Our purpose is to help new players learn game features and earn a few extra bits.


-account must be under 6 months old to enter
-HoFa allows up to 3 accounts, please only enter using 1


Exploration Drawing

Enter by sending me a private trade with any of the items found in the hoofbeat plains. I will pay 10,000 bits for the item. These include dyes, treats, whistles, lassos, horses, decor, flowers. 
Prize of 25k bits every Sunday to one lucky entrant


Mining Drawing

Enter by sending me a private trade with any gems found while mining. I will pay 10,000 bits for the gem. 
Prize of 25k bits every Wednesday to one lucky entrant


Rules and Terms
-Send only ONE trade priced at 10k bits per contest per week. But enter in as many drawings as you like while still a new player.
-Please note, the 10k is replacing past consolation prizes. This is NOT necessarily what the items are worth, but should not be undercutting you.
-If you are looking to sell explore and mining items please check my store page https://horsefable.com/topic/6048/ or other players' ads. 
-Prizes will be sent in a private trade, you have the 7 days until it expires to collect or forfeit your prize.
-If you change your name after entering I may not be able to find you if you win.


How to explore the Hoofbeat Plains on your horse! 
Make sure you have horses stabled with available energy that also have "Explore" enabled on their page. On the main menu go to Explore > Hoofbeat Plains. You should be able to select a horse and move around the page. When exploring you can pick up many useful items that you can sell or trade if you don't want, and even wild horses you can catch! Usually wild horses, horse catch items (such as food, whistles, and lassos), and seasonal dyes are the most valuable in that order. Keep in mind picking up items uses 5% player energy and petting wild horses uses 10%. Moving uses 2% of your horses daily energy, while yours will refill over time. Horses do gain experience exploring, but not much. Some find it best to have designated explore horses or pick a few cheap ones up on the market.


How to Mine! 
Under explore near the hoofbeat plains, you can also find the Dark Horse Mine! This also uses 5% player energy. Do some digging and find gems! These can be used to encrust tack and make it pretty ๐Ÿคฉ or sold to other players. You may also find a few ingots or cash laying around.


How to create a private trade!


Post Count: 106

11/28/2024 10:13 am

An example of how it looks to set a private trade. These are the fields you always need to fill out although you can select different items or currency. 

The direction to get to trades is Town > Marketplace > Trades > New Trade




Post Count: 106

12/01/2024 9:34 pm

December 1st Explore Results

Winner is Hexteria! (Via random number generator 1-4)

This week other entrants will recieve 10k consolation prize for playing! ๐Ÿ˜„


December 4th Mining Results!

Winner is Sweetstuff! (Via heads or tails 50/50)

Face re-roll token sent to runner up :)


โš ๏ธ Warning: prizes are sent through trade and you have 7 days to collect it 


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 Upcoming Drawings


Explore Entries for Sunday, December 8th: Ended








Mining Entries for Wednesday, December 11th: Ended









Edited 11 times


Post Count: 106

12/10/2024 12:09 am

December 8 Explore Results!

Winner of thr 30k prize is Norene! 

Sending consolation of 5k each


December 11 Mining Results!

Winner of the 20k prize is Ruth!

sending 5k each consolation prize


Don't forget to enter for next Sundays Explore drawing! And stay tuned for wendesdays mining drawing :) 


Happy Riding everyone!

๐ŸŽ ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿด

Explore Entries for Sunday, December 15th Ended






Mining Entries for Wednesday, December 18th Ended

Lorelie- Winner 




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Post Count: 106

12/15/2024 11:48 pm

December 15th explore results! 

Winner of the 30k prize is Tarlo! 

Sending consolation prizes as well. Remember you can still enter again for next week :) 


Explore Entries for Sunday, December 22nd Ended 

Sweetstuff -Winn-Winner



Mining Entries for Wednesday, December 25th:



Explore Entries for Sunday, December 29th:




Edited 3 times


Post Count: 106

12/16/2024 12:07 am

No entries, so canceled 



















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Post Count: 746

12/23/2024 1:07 pm

for some reason, my mailbox is in a infinet loop of doom, but I would like to be a judge.





Post Count: 106

1/21/2025 12:07 am

Back up and running! I have trouble with the textbox on my phone so i will no longer be keeping a list of entrants in the forum. I will try to occasionally post winners and such but I just dont have the energy to promise I will keep up with it on this page. Thanks! 


Keep in mind you can still ask me if you have any questions or advice on anything in game. I can also be reached in the HorseFable discord by the use Kueeny. If you haven't joined I definitely recommend it! 


Post Count: 106

2/06/2025 11:34 pm

Alright we finally got some entries.


Horsegoth has entered both the Sunday explore drawing and the wendeaday mining one ๐Ÿ˜Š


Post Count: 106

2/09/2025 2:02 pm

Sunday prize sent to horsegoth! ๐Ÿ˜Š


Hey guys, if you meet any newer players struggling for bits feel free to recommend they stop here! 

Also let me know if you have ideas for other โ€œcontestsโ€ that provide a reason to explore the game and can help make a little cash for entrants 


Next tsunday Entries: horselover_horselover_1111

Edited 1 times


Post Count: 7

2/13/2025 3:14 pm

How do I join?


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