Happy Almost Turkey Day!!

11/27/2024 2:53 pm

Hello all and happy early Thanksgiving! We’ve got some exciting things for today so let’s jump right into today's update!


๐Ÿ‚ A Herd of Turkey!

It's that time of year when we welcome our turkey friends back to HoFa. Word has it that the usual  wild turkey herd is quite large this year which means, plenty to go around! A few have already been spotted in Hoofbeat Plains with some flying your way as a thanks from us. Based on our calculations, the wild turkey herd will be migrating in Hoofbeat Plains from now until December 8th at 11:59PM EST/game time. Gallop out there and collect you a new turkey friend, or two…or 10…



๐Ÿด November Breed Update!

Surprise surprise! Today's update also comes with our November breed redo and its….






Standing in their sassy and commanding pose, our new Arabians have been designed to show off the best of the breed. The breed has a petite yet well muscled body frame, small attentive ears, a sassily raised tail, and expressive attentive eyes. To keep true to the breed standard and the iconic look of the breed, Arabians also have a dished face that finds a happy medium between too much or too little. 


โœจ NEW: Grooming!


As mentioned previously, with our new breed bases we have planned to expand mane and tail options. This has often been mentioned by players as a nice feature to have, but previously we were unable to do so. As new breed bases are completed, mane and tail lengths, braids, and special breed-specific variations will be possible.


The Grooming Station

The new grooming station is located under the Horses tab. The grooming station allows you to select a horse and view all your available options for styling your horse's mane and tail. To preview mane and tail styles you need to first  buy the tools in the General Store. In the grooming station you: Select a horse, select mane or tail, select cut, grow, or braid and view changes in the preview.


Grooming Tools

Tools used to groom and change your horse's mane and tail can be bought from Will at the General Store. There are items to cut, grow, and braid your horse's mane and tail. Items include:

NOTE: Premium grooming tools had price and uses updated 11/27/2024 at 3:52PM. If you purchased prior to this, those have been fixed.

Shears: Shears are used to cut your horse's mane and tail. Regular and Premium shears can be bought and add to your total uses in your grooming station. You can also use shears directly from your storage room. Shears can cut your horse's mane and tail from its current length and can cut to the short and roached mane length or the short and extra short tail length.


Growth Serum: Growth Serums grow your horse's mane and tail. Regular and Premium serums can be bought and add to your total uses in your grooming station or you can also use shears directly from your storage room. The growth serum can grow your horse's tail from its current length up to the long length.

Braiding Guide: The braiding guides are 250 ingots each and can be bought in the General Store. They last for 24-hours once equipped. These allow you to braid your horse's mane and tail to their currently available braids.


Notes on Grooming

- Only breeds with updated art can be used in the grooming station. Current breeds are: TB, Welsh C, Clyd, and Arabian.

- If you cut or grow a braided mane or tail the horse will have the wavy mane or hair style.

- Cutting a wavy mane or tail will result in a medium length. Growing a wavy mane or tail will result in a long length.
- In a future update, horses will have their mane and tails naturally grow every 4 weeks since their mane or tail was cut with a maximum natural growth length of medium.

- Also in a future update, braids that reach the 4 week growth mark fall out and turn the horses mane or tail wavy.

- Another addition to braiding has been hinted at before will also be included in our next update. ๐Ÿ‘€


We hope you all have a wonderful time with our new Arabians and playing with the grooming station! Have a wonderful rest of the week everyone!



Bedouin & Curly


Post Count: 978

11/27/2024 3:23 pm

Ohh wow the mane and tail update is so cool! I cant wait to try it out. I need to go look at my Arabians now. 


Any updates on some bug fixes? 


Post Count: 510

11/27/2024 3:26 pm

Thanks for the update - the Arabs look great.

Any word on if the new dyes will be fixed for polos? If the skeleton paint that was re-released is planned to be fixed? An ETA on the campaign art that's now over a year due? 

Curly Admin

Post Count: 619

11/27/2024 3:48 pm

As stated previously in the news I have a lot on my plate and even more has been added since that I don't wish to speak on yet. Vague, I know, but vague for a reason. I am having to step back a bit from HoFa work right now which leaves minimal time for Bed and I to complete as much as we use to since I can't run full throttle like before. No specific ETAs for anything as of now other than our once a month breed art redo, expediting campaign art, and bug fixes as we can do them and add to art updates. I know several players have been chatting in the Discord about timelines and such and we have seen those. In all honesty, the reason we stay quiet now is so we don't over promise anymore and can feel more comfortable truly making our personal life needs come first without the usual guilt and feeling like we need to give "excuses". We have our own internal plans coming along and are working to find the help we need both short and long-term.


Post Count: 978

11/27/2024 3:53 pm

Thanks for the update Curly! I cant speak for everyone, but I would personally prefer some kind of response over radio silence, even if not personal details. Just a little heads up. We know life happens :) 


Post Count: 510

11/27/2024 4:05 pm


Curly Admin

Post Count: 619

11/27/2024 4:10 pm

Right now for my end probably the best way to see if I've fixed anything or am up to something specific is to view the dev log. We typically keep a list of fixed bugs and announce those in one big list in an update with most of mine being fixed and put live prior. Its always seemed nicer to have image bugs fixed and live so there is less broken tack and horses to stare at. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ We haven't used the Discord #dev-log channel in a bit so if I can remember, I'll post over there too. They may come in in large blocks vs. single posts to make it less spammy. Beyond that, its hard to get dates specific since I'm in and out quite often. I'd say 2 weeks-ish after a greyscale is done staff and myself can manage to get bases done. I'm the limiting factor there since I do the final upload, checks, and fixes for it all which takes me several hours of work that may have to be done over several days. My blocked out HoFa time currently prioritizes getting that done because I'm a bit partial to loving art updates and get so excited to share them.

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Post Count: 21

11/27/2024 4:28 pm

Seems great! Can't wait to test it out.

I also adore the new arabian model!

Edited 1 times


Post Count: 39

11/27/2024 5:35 pm

The Arabs look awesome! I'm super excited for the new manes and tails!


Post Count: 325

11/27/2024 6:11 pm

appreciate the explanation Curly ๐Ÿ’š i'm excited to play around with the hairstyles!


Post Count: 746

11/27/2024 9:21 pm

I LOVE the new grooming! I am scared to go see my arabs, but I LOVE  the art for them!




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