Custom Art, Tags, Greyscale Bases and more! EWH fundraiser sale!

WirelessMouse [Platinum || 218 posts] on 11/22/2024 7:42 pm

Selling my art for Campaign Coins! All coins will be donated to the Elvish Warhorse club


Tier 1:  Any 2 Recolours for 1 Campaign Coin

"Honse Plush" 


"Sad Horsie"


"Elvish Warhorse" 



Which two artworks would you like? (you can pick 2 of the same): 

What colour/patterns would you like for each? (include any reference pics here):

Any extra requests?:



Tier 2: 1 Recolour for 1 Campaign Coin


(I'll put a smaller & neater signature on any sold, current is a placeholder)



Horse colour & markings: 

reference pics: 

Background? (plain colours & gradients are free, scenes are +1 coin)

Extra requests:



Tier 3: Pet Portraits 2 Campaign Coins each


I lack examples for this, but I make them as realistic as possible. Any animal is fine! 



Name of pet you want drawn: 

Reference photo (at least one of the pose you want, preferably more with a clear view of their markings/colours):

Background/extra requests:



Tier 4: Custom Grey-scales (horses only) 5 Campaign Coins each

Rules: You may sell recolours of the base I make you for game currencies only.

You may not sell recolours of the base I make you for real life money.

You may not remove my signature.

If recolours are sold somewhere other than Horse Fable, you must keep a link above or below the artwork linking to my Horse Fable profile.

You may not edit the outline or shading of the base, it is for recolouring purposes only.



Horse breed:

Foal or adult?:

Pose (include refs): 

Mane & tail refs: 


What do you plan on using this base for? (personal use/selling recolours):

Goose RS

Post Count: 129

11/23/2024 3:41 pm

Just letting you know all your images are not showing up.(SORRY)

Edit: Now they are!

Edited 1 times








Post Count: 218

11/24/2024 5:29 pm

Hey, it seems like the images are visible to other people @rising star, can you maybe try a different browser or clear your cache or something? I'm not sure what's breaking the images for you 


Post Count: 746

11/24/2024 6:13 pm

I see the images, sorry if this is unhelpful





Post Count: 218

11/25/2024 2:31 am

It's very helpful actually! It seems most people can see the images now. I wish I could work out why they don't work for some people. any information I can get on it helps :)


Post Count: 746

11/25/2024 10:24 am

Ok! Glad it was helpful!




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