Arabian Stallion Wanted - Please Help Me Out!

Oliviia [Bronze || 11 posts] on 11/21/2024 4:04 am

Please, help me out!

I'm searching an Arabian stud, preferably lvl 50+, PS1000+ (the higher the better), 4-5 stars, with ee genetics (chestnut would be lovely), discipline and generation don't matter.

I have an egg from one of my TB mares (Rethinking Opposition).

I want to breed an Anglo-Arabian for my crossbreed project, and I would need a straw from the stallion, but I will pay coins for the High Quality Retrieval and for the Straw as well (I may need 2 if the embryo creation or implanting fails but I will pay for it as well).

Please, let me know if you have a stud eligible and you are open to help me out!

Thanks much!


Post Count: 970

11/21/2024 5:08 am

He is grade but if you are interested when he hits level 40 


Post Count: 11

11/21/2024 6:09 am

@Maki: Thank you, first I'd try to find a no grade stallion, but definitely will keep in mind yours!


Post Count: 217

11/21/2024 6:18 am

I have a few options for you , 5k bits per straw (+ the retrieval fee) , 7k bits per straw (+ retrieval fee) , 15k bits per straw (+ retrieval fee) 

any of those interest you? 



Post Count: 11

11/21/2024 8:23 am

@WirelessMouse: Woah, thank you, they're great, I'm writing you a message!

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