American Paint Breeders/Partners Wanted.

Eternal Valkyrie [Basic || 1 posts] on 11/14/2024 8:08 pm

Hey all, I'm new to Horse Fable and am looking for an American Paint Breeding Partner to help me with my breeding goals which is:
1: Breed a foal with all Excellent stats.
2: Breed for uncommon/rare coat colors.
3: Potentially add colors that aren't seem on a Pain and hopefully breed a Grade Paint horse.
I am open to all idea's/help offered.

Pippin Wilds

Post Count: 50

11/14/2024 8:45 pm

Hi & welcome!


I like collecting wild horses and have a few paints

Feel free to reach out if you want to stud/brood and I can set it up cheaper for you as a new player. Also happy to create a couple of foals for you if you want to get started!


Post Count: 16

12/11/2024 8:23 pm


I have some pretty decent paint studs and broods with interesting colors. I'm not breeding APH, I am breeding some APHs but I'm mostly breeding Quarter Paints. I can set you up cheaper stud/brood fees if you want!


Edited 2 times


Post Count: 22

1/17/2025 6:06 am

I have some American Paints I could save a breeding for you.

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