
Goose RS [Basic || 136 posts] on 11/04/2024 4:03 pm

Enter your best dressed horse to win!

No entry fee!

First place-> 1 Rare Coat Frisdale Breeding Pair

WINNER> Crystal Stable!!!

Second Place-> Teal n Tan Tack set! 


Third Place-> 25% off Any Horse in Sale Pen!

WINNER>Willow of Emberwilde!!!

>Thank you all your horses were so good!!!<










Goose RS

Post Count: 136

11/04/2024 7:02 pm

Your link does not work.









Willow of Emberwilde

Post Count: 13

11/05/2024 6:07 pm

Im a newbie..how can i enter your fashion show? I didnt find any entry

WILLOW of Emberwilde

Goose RS

Post Count: 136

11/05/2024 6:11 pm

Oh you just put the link to your horse in a comment!๐Ÿ˜Š

Edited 2 times









Willow of Emberwilde

Post Count: 13

11/05/2024 7:49 pm

Its saying my link doesnt work. Mayb its my phone. Not a big deal bt does sound like fun:)

WILLOW of Emberwilde

Goose RS

Post Count: 136

11/05/2024 8:34 pm

You can put your horses name in and make sure its boarded that will work! 










Post Count: 95

11/06/2024 6:36 pm

here is my entry  Brownie all dressed up!

also when does the contest end?

Willow of Emberwilde

Post Count: 13

11/06/2024 7:53 pm

I'l enter Sultan if this works

WILLOW of Emberwilde

Crystal Stables

Post Count: 130

11/07/2024 12:31 pm

Here's my entry! Sorry if it's still bugged with the stretched out image, if you're on a phone you can turn it sideways to make it look normal.



just a girl who loves horses...


Post Count: 50

11/10/2024 9:58 pm

Heres mine: Nera : The best dressed horse

Hope i win!




Play Horse fable they said, it will be fun they said, you won't get addicted they said. 

Well guess who's addicted???

Totally not me?? 

"Nervous laugh"


GO TO MY ART SALES PAGE!!! FREE HORSE ART!!! https://horsefable.com/topic/7098

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