What does freezing a horse do?

emeritus [Basic || 2 posts] on 11/04/2024 3:25 pm

I understand that it does prevent the horse from aging. Does it also remove the need to feed, water, groom? Can you not enter frozen horses into shows? What is the purpose, other than if you plan on taking a break from the game?


Post Count: 2

11/04/2024 3:31 pm

Another question: How do I freeze a horse?

Found a potential use. I wish to pause the aging of one Marwari while my others grow up so I can breed them in the future. Just need to figure out how to freeze...

Goose RS

Post Count: 136

11/04/2024 3:36 pm

I don't exactly know but we have a team of pros in Ask n Answer who does and will be happy to help! Ask this in Ask n Answer !

Edited 1 times










Post Count: 27

11/04/2024 3:53 pm

Freezing does remove the need to feed, groom, and water. You cannot show or train frozen horses. As for the purpose, it depends on the player, but taking breaks from the game is one. Me personally, I freeze horses when they are getting old, but I want to breed them to a younger horse that I'm currently leveling.


Post Count: 27

11/04/2024 3:54 pm

To freeze a horse go to your estate and click manage tabs. Then click the little pencil icon to edit the tab. You can choose to freeze horses you put in a tab or you can go to settings and freeze your whole account.

Edited 2 times


Post Count: 391

11/04/2024 8:09 pm

Also tacking on, as you can see my profile/stable page, I have numerous tabs. But only two open. It's not so much taking a break ((if I do that whole account gets frozen)) but freezing tabs individually also helps you if you get too many horses and don't have time to enter them or need to put them on pause and focus on other tabs.



For example, setting aside Exploring tab, the AGP one is a Crossbreed Campaign I am helping my cousin with. I decided to freeze all other tabs and focus on the AGP one. Sure it is a lot of horses but it sure beats trying to enter all my other horses in between showing times over a much smaller amount.



I also have a tab specifically dedicated to horses who reach 17 years of age and up to, eventually, get straws and eggs from them or hold them for better breeding options on horses i have since obtained.



Freezing has wonderful purposes that, mainly, prevents aging of horses and allows you to focus on smaller groups instead of being overwhelmed.



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