Fall Leaf Tag - Temp closed [Pickups!!]
Katanaa [Bronze || 207 posts] on 11/03/2024 2:50 pm
Hello! With the pretty leaves falling im getting so sad its almost time to put away the motorcycle... so I made this tag
this example is for sale for 25,000 bits! **please do not steal**
PRICE: 35,000 BITS
If you would like one of these tags please fill out a form for each one. Once you place your order, please wait for me to confirm before sending payment.
Please keep in mind when ordering that I am one person, I have a busy life outside of HoFa - but I will do my best to get these done for you as soon as I possibly can!
reference image -
leaf color (if change) -
background/color -
Thank you!!

so cute!!
reference image - x
leaf color (if change) - no need!
background/color - #4db02a (green)

Play Horse fable they said, it will be fun they said, you won't get addicted they said.
Well guess who's addicted???
Totally not me??
"Nervous laugh"
GO TO MY ART SALES PAGE!!! FREE HORSE ART!!! https://horsefable.com/topic/7098
Reference: Face Marking:
Leaf Change? : Nope ๐
Backround, yes, color:
Would you do an art trade as payment?
reference image - https://horsefable.com/horse/1715451
leaf color (if change) - no change please!
background/color - no background either please ๐
Sending money now

reference image - Horse Fable :: Hood Art
leaf color (if change) - n/a
background/color - #0b6623
- could i also get w/o background? I'll pay extra ofc
Okay! Thanks everyone - you all will be added to the list when I get home from work! @kaytea - at this time I'm trying to save up for tekes foundation day so I am not accepting trades, my apologies.
and @deathknell- yes you can have that version just add 5k to price that's fine!
Edited 1 times

sent payment! ๐

Ok, thats ok! I'll send payment when I get the art ๐
@Forgottenland Where did you get that art? I've been looking for something like that.
@Rising Star, If you are talking about Forgottenland's avatar, Maki makes them. Maki has an art page here
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