Quests and explore help
MordecaiH. [Basic || 4 posts] on 11/03/2024 2:19 pm
How do I craft an oat clover treat?
Also how should I complete an explore request because whenever I take one, the object I'm suppose to find can't be found anywhere even though I found it before which is why I took on the request. Like does the map has zones where certain objects are more common?
Thank you
Okay so I figured out the treat part, and I was able to complete the find object quest even though it was expired? I guess I don't need help anymore?
Thanks if you read these posts.
Just giving a heads up. If the quest had expired, that sounds like a bug and if it happens again, I would take a screenshot and make a bug report about it and tack on the screenshot.
As for some of the Exploring quests. People have been confusing it with thinking if they have it on hand already, they can easily turn it in which is false. You deliberately need to find that item, while exploring, for however long the quest is active for. There are plenty of players who hoard stuff, me included. So say for example you need to find 3 Wine Dyes, well, if I have 50 of them, guess what? I can very easily burn through those find Wine Dyes and get the rewards much quicker, which to me, makes the quest kinda null and void because you have them already. The game forces you to go out and explore to actually find them instead of having them on hand.
Also remember, that I can recall I haven't touched quests in a while, there are seasonal items and are locked behind a season. I believe it is on Discord, not sure if it is elsewhere, but on Discord/Help section, there is a Pins tab that has a Google Doc for items in the game. I noted down seasonal dyes separately for myself but if you get a quest item for say, Sky Blue Dyes, you'll never find it during Spring, Fall and Winter times in real life while playing the game as Sky Blues are only found during the summer.
Quests so expire cuz lol my guess is they finally found the item after it expired
Every time I get a quest, I usually never find what I need to after getting the quest. Finding items is just luck though
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