Model horse Skills

HorseBreeder2024 [Basic || 13 posts] on 11/03/2024 1:29 pm

What Skills are needed for a model horse career? I noticed in the wiki it says that certain skills (Patience, Adaptability, Communication, etc) are needed for different careers but I can't find where it tells you which skills go with which career.


Post Count: 173

11/04/2024 2:40 am  down the bottom of this page it lists which skills go with which career.

If you mean a horse's personality, that isn't public knowledge and is for each individual player to find out themselves. 

Edit: my bad.. it USED to be on that page. I can't find where it's gone to, perhaps whoever manages the wiki accidentally deleted it. 

Anyway, shouldn't matter too much as horse's gain skills from doing careers, so any horse you put in a certain career will gain the skills it needs to improve at that career anyway. 

Edited 1 times


Talented but lazy 


Post Count: 13

11/04/2024 11:04 am

Thank you so much! I was super confused when I couldn't find it. XD

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