Forum Notifications and Deleting Threads

hypenova [Basic || 26 posts] on 10/24/2024 11:53 am

I've noticed that I never get notifications when someone replies to me in the community forums. It would be nice to get a notification like I do when someone sends me a message. This doesn't mean that it notifies you every time someone replies, only if you are tagged. If there is already a way to do this, please let me know.


In addition, a lot of threads labeled "DELETE" stay up on the forums. If we could delete our own threads, I feel like the forums would be a lot less cluttered by these unused threads.


Post Count: 973

10/24/2024 2:41 pm

Well, tagging isn't actually a thing. It would be helpful but I also think it should be able to be turned off so its not abused. 


I do wish we could delete our own posts because they in general never end up deleted, at least not for a while. 

Roze Admin

Post Count: 331

10/24/2024 3:35 pm

I've suggested tagging many years ago. And I like the idea of being able to watch threads for notifications. I would suggest that these suggestions go into Feature Request as that's where they should go now. 

As for deleting threads, if you PM me the links to threads you want deleted I'll delete them quicker. If a thread gets marked as delete me and gets buried so its not in the recent activity then I don't see them. Since there's no search feature there's no easy way for us to find threads marked for deletion. 

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