How do I delete my account?
Jinny [Basic || 12 posts] on 10/15/2024 2:41 pm
I love the game!!! I just ran into a problem. I bought sooo many horses when I first started and they were all low level. So now I have too many horses and no one wants to buy them. I'm also broke. So yeah, I love the game but I want a fresh start now that I kind of know what I'm doing. I just can't figure out how to delete my account ๐ซค
I'm sorry I don't know how and didn't see it either at first glance.
Alternatively you can have up to three accounts and can link your accounts (under settings) so you can switch between them. So you could start over on a second account and use your current one for overflow once you get funds built up on your new main account. This game is amazing and allows you to transfer horses or bits between your accounts. :)
I'm sure you'll get an answer on how to delete it from someone, but you could start up another while you're waiting. Anyway, welcome to HoFa and hope you have a wonderful time with your horses. ^_^
Good idea!
You cannot delete accounts yourself. Additional accounts must be set up with different emails
Edited 2 times
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