Best foal contest
Kail [Basic || 171 posts] on 10/13/2024 10:23 am
Hi guys I am starting a contest thank you to Beni for the idea!
Best foal contest!
How it works:
Each person breeds a foal and freezes it until start date.
On start date you will train foal and try to get it to the highest level possible it doesn't matter what breed or discipline or if you do halter. PLEASE LINK FOALS!
foal must be homebred
participants MUST pay entry fee
Entry fee and leader board:
Entry fee: 50 bits
I will try to update leaderboard daily
Competition:October 18th- November 6th
1st: 2000 bits
2nd: large mystery bag
3rd: medium mystery bag
Entry form:
Foal link:.
Entry fee: Paid or unpaid?
Make sure the foal is frozen!
I tried to fix it, I don't know if it worked.
Live, Love, Ride🐴🐴🐴
Perfect thank you
Lop rabbit you've been reimbursed since entries are no longer open as the competition has already started however there will be another one starting soon after this one ends if you want to do that one.
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