Which Discipline or Career
ScarlettXilfina [Basic || 2 posts] on 10/08/2024 1:07 pm
I'm new here and I do always try and find the answers myself and I looked over the help guides I did see on here but I cant figure out of to tell what horse goes best with each career or discipline. I did see that it goes of the horses stats but I can't tell which one is best with each stat. If anyone could help me out or post the link for the best guide to help me that would be great thanks!
Hi! if you're new you're best off sticking solely with the Model Horse career, regardless of your horse's stats. https://horsefable.wiki/estate/career-center/ here's some more info on careers
Thank you very much!
There's also the Discipline guide here: Disciplines | Horse Fable Wiki which I use constantly for assigning disciplines to new horses. If it's not clear which is best (if stats don't match up well) you can do the math and figure out which is best. Stat 1 is x2, Stat 2 is x1.5, and stat 3 is x1, if you ever want to do the math on it
Disciplines aren't good for income or levels for your horses though. I wouldn't bother with them until you get a horse with 4000+ PS (which should put it in regional tier 2).
You can also put horses in whichever discipline you want. The PS they already have isn't nearly as important as their training boost (TB). Training your horses each week will quickly gear them to your preferred discipline, especially if they have a high TB. But yeah Disc isn't worth it for a long time.
If you need to level your horse up and have enough income you can afford to move some horses away from careers, Halter shows are the best for levelling your horses up. They get a a lot of points even if they place last (aside from 1 star horses). Halters also have much better winnings than disciplines.
Huh, I didn't realise disciplines aren't as good for leveling as halter - do you know what the mechanic behind that is? I know discipline doesn't affect skills, only PS. (I knew the winnings weren't as good, I just have a soft spot for disciplines over halter!)
I will say that I don't think you need to wait until getting PS 4000+ to do well in disciplines thought - I have horses competing at high level (National/International) discipline at 1000-2000 PS with consistent wins. I wonder if it depends on how many other horses are competing in each discipline though
Its personal preference really. I dont prefer halter shows and only do it with horses with extremely low PS and decent BS. Mine usually dont do well anyways but I prefer and breed for discipline. As long as my horse has a couple hundred PS its gonna do disciplines. I personally prefer them being entered in disciplines where the PS matches because usually there tends to be a high number difference when I breed, but not always. I enter with less than 20 entrants, which is pretty easy and almost always works except occasionally on lower tiers but even still my horses nearly always come in the money and they always hit 50 fairly young. Do what works for you and what you enjoy. If you like halter and want more money levels faster do that. If you like disciplines do those. Or do both ๐คท๐ฝโ๏ธ
For newbies though, careers are always the best starting point since its no money lost but all money gained. I use these docs made by others to help choose career/discipline
Its simple plug in stats and go
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