Training Boosts not coming out right?
Kenren [Gold || 2 posts] on 9/27/2024 10:10 pm
I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything! I feel like my training boosts on foals are coming out lower than advertised, persay.
For example, I recently bred a Level 51 to a Level 49. Per the wiki, if I'm understanding it right, this should be (51 + 49) / 10 = TB 10. But the foal was TB 3.
Is this just a glitch or am I mistaken somewhere? Thanks in advance!
you need to complete foal training, each step unlocks more of the TB and if foal training isn't finished before the horse turns 2 it will never be able to earn that missing TB.

OH that makes sense, looking at my older foals. Thank you so much!
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