Change to Horses with Unmet Breed Reqs for Stud/Brood

DeathKnell [Platinum || 63 posts] on 9/22/2024 10:05 pm

For rare breeds specifically (Akhal-Teke, Marwari, Chincoteague), there's no reason ones under the level 25 requirement should be up for stud/brood. I've been searching here and there for additional horses to breed to - only to see they're not even level 25 but still listed for stud/brood and can't be bred to anyway once clicked onto. 

The horse to not be able to be listed for stud/brood until it reaches the minimum level 25+. I'd say have the buttons greyed out or our usual red error message and not allowing the action to be done would suffice. You can't breed them in your own home barns until they reach that, so it doesn't really make sense for them to populate and be able to be listed as such.


Feel free to comment & vote on the feature request for this change!


Post Count: 970

9/23/2024 10:47 am

This has been brought up many times. I would put it under the feature requests since I am sure most people will agree and it will be more likely to be added 


Post Count: 63

9/23/2024 11:10 am

I totally forgot we even had that now. ๐Ÿซ  


I've added it to it and added the link to the post!


Post Count: 970

9/23/2024 12:57 pm

Haha I forget it half the time too 

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