Bulk selling or retiring?
GemEquine [Basic || 50 posts] on 8/29/2024 11:17 am
I have been trying to sell my horses and keep 4. As i have over 50 this is getting annoying to have to do each one individualy. Is there any way to sell them all at once? Or even retire them all at once???? Without restarting my account that is.
Play Horse fable they said, it will be fun they said, you won't get addicted they said.
Well guess who's addicted???
Totally not me??
"Nervous laugh"
GO TO MY ART SALES PAGE!!! FREE HORSE ART!!! https://horsefable.com/topic/7098
The only way to do this in bulk would be to upgrade your account and get mass actions. Mass actions allow you to select with a checkbox as many horses as you'd like to be able to put them up for sale or to retire them. Mass actions also allow you to o various other things like brand, set up for stud/brood, set disciplines, set careers, remove disc/career, etc.
Ok thx
Play Horse fable they said, it will be fun they said, you won't get addicted they said.
Well guess who's addicted???
Totally not me??
"Nervous laugh"
GO TO MY ART SALES PAGE!!! FREE HORSE ART!!! https://horsefable.com/topic/7098
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