KayTea [Basic || 746 posts] on 8/26/2024 1:34 pm
I would like to have pastures for our horses. So you have a barn and pastures. one tab for pastures and you start with one and buy more, like you can buy more stables. You can have more (so if your like me, an organizer) pastures for like, the yealings, the foals in training, the mares on cooldown, the old stallions, and more.
P.S. I also want to name the pastures.
I wouldnt mind it. I like the idea of the horses being able to be outside. Sometimes horses just always live outside and not in stalls. Maybe there could be different purposes to keeping in stalls vs pastures
I don't really like the idea, I think the limit on the amount of horses people can own is a good thing, and if you want to sort your horses like you suggest, make a tab named "pasture" or name your tabs "yearlings", "foals in training" etc.
This just seems like a way to get around having to buy more stalls for horses/ surpassing the limits put in place by account upgrades.
We could have pasture passes...
yeah but.. why? what's the point? I don't see any functionality in them that we don't already have with stalls and tabs.
I don't see how pastures would help improve the site or the game play in general.
If it comes down to wanting more ways to sort horses, I'd much rather see tab dividers/sections, or having multiple 'stables' on one account, with a separate page of tabs for each stable.
Why would it need to change any limits?
Okay so if it didn't change any limits to the amount of horses you can have, doesn't add any sorting functionality that tabs don't already provide, then it's just a waste of time to add it anyway?
If pastures changed the game play in a positive and meaningful way, then sure, but so far I'm only hearing negatives (more stuff to buy, more complicated, change the limit of horses you can have or limit stalls) and stuff we can already do with the current setup. What would this actually add to the game?
Not everything has to have an extrodinary purpose and I even suggested to have different perks for having a horse in the stable vs pasture.
Yeah theres a lot of other things to be worked on but I dont think that means people cant have small and fun ideas. Especially when its probably pretty simple to implement
I'm gonna have to agree with Wireless on this one, sure not everything has to have a fantastic purpose, but I don't really see the point for Pastures either when Tabs pretty much do the same thing. Off the top of my head, Ropin' Ranch is the only place that has Pastures but they sort of have a purpose there but if I am remembering this rightly, when you capture a wild out in the Meadows, the horse is automatically sent to Quaratine tab, no matter their age. After a while, they are moved from the Quaratine tab and moved over to the Pastures tab, meaning their Quaratined timeframe has ended and good to go into your herd as once they are in the Pastures, you can freely move them to your barns.
Sure now that I think on it, Horse Isle 2 you can have a Pasture, I haven't played either game in a extremely long time but I vaguely recall for Life Cycle, on my ranch, like a Infinite Pastures where you can retire horses instead of them passing away on you and you can scooch around your isle to see them all but I mean, that had a limit to how many you could house and we already have a Retired tab in the game. Sure the list can be expotentially long if you have retired a boat load of horses but still.
Also forgot, Howrse kind of has a Pastures setting, that isn't for your Equestrian Centers, I think if you have a Hypno Blanket your horse could sleep outside and not have any adverse effects from sleeping out in the dead of winter for the games seasonal turns. Otherwise, they are mostly put into a box/stall for the night and I think none of what I named above had any real purpose that I cannot envision seeing working here, perks included or not.
Ya know pastures for retired horses isnt an awful idea. Be a way to sort them out into "tabs" as well. My list is getting incredibly long at this point and I use the find in page to find them. If they are gonna be there we might as well have a way to sort them so we can find them easier if need.
I was thinking of silly things like horses on pasture dont need to pay for feed because they have grass, while stalled horses dont get as dirty as fast. Little perks like that but retirement pastures for sorting seem waaay more efficient
I wouldn't support; I have enough trouble finding my horses in my stable. A pasture would make it worse ๐ฃ
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