New Palomino

reddRookk [Platinum || 509 posts] on 8/24/2024 2:18 pm

Had been hesitant to post anything regarding this, but it's been bothering me since the art update - I have grown to really like the new Thoroughbred art, and am extremely excited to see all the breeds redone. ๐Ÿ’œHowever! The new palomino options have really seemed off to me - and I finally figured out why. The undertone? skin tone? is washed out and pale compared to real palominos which seem to always have black/very dark tones by their eyes and muzzles. I was curious if this was a mistake when coloring, or if it was on purpose? It seems to be giving much more of an amber champagne color than palomino. I put some examples below to try to better explain what I mean:
I totally understand that a new artist will mean the colors will differ, however I don't think that should mean that the pink/pale muzzles and eyes just make the palomino options look.. not palomino - to me, anyway.


horses listed as champagne, amber, classic champagne 

I wasn't sure exactly where this belonged, so I guess my "development idea" would be to adjust the tones of the new palomino options. ๐Ÿคท


Post Count: 973

8/24/2024 2:51 pm

It does seem very pinky grey 

Kimchi Salad

Post Count: 64

8/24/2024 6:06 pm

I agree the skin around the eyes and muzzle should be darker for palomino. I'm curious how the champagne layer is different? I wonder if there's a grade amber champagne TB floating around yet.


Post Count: 509

8/24/2024 7:25 pm

Sooty amber champagne

I found this one!


Post Count: 746

8/24/2024 8:04 pm

I am adjusting slowly to the new art. I'm starting to love it.

I agreed tho that its a bit... wrong or off, to me, I think its to pink for a really, really palomino coat. I think I prefer the black tone. but I am loving this TB art! 





Post Count: 33

8/24/2024 8:08 pm

For me it is "off" because Palomino horses have dark skin underneath their coat, thus the muzzle, around eyes, inner thighs/genital areas, and "armpits" should showcase that.  The current version is a bit too brown to properly showcase the right skin tone.


Post Count: 746

8/24/2024 8:11 pm

This one is palomino and shows the black points well.

And this one is champagne, and is more brown/pink pointed.

(Got both off Google)

Edited 2 times





Post Count: 218

8/24/2024 8:23 pm

I agree on changing the palomino layers for TBs, the pink skin isn't accurate to the gene and looks like champagne rather than palomino. 


Post Count: 60

8/25/2024 10:16 am

I agree! The palominos look off...


Post Count: 509

8/29/2024 10:35 am

It'd be cool to hear back from staff on this. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ 

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