Streamline/overhaul horse search pages
forgottenland [Platinum || 322 posts] on 8/24/2024 11:25 am
there's been tons of confusion about where and how to search for horses because it's currently split between 3 pages. there's the Horse Sales and Stud/Brood Market under the Market tab, and the Horse Search in the upper right corner of every page. the Market tab searches are good for browsing, while the Horse Search is best for when you're looking for something specific. but having this many pages is just causing people to be unaware of how to properly search for horses. to reduce confusion, i think it would help to either:
combine all 3 pages into 1: remove the Horse Sales and Stud/Brood Market pages and have the Horse Search linked on the market tab, but change Horse Search to have a similar look as the Market searches (horse images displayed with BS stats) while retaining the amount of info Horse Search already displays.
incorporate Horse Search into the Market Pages: keep both Market searches and remove the Horse Search, add in all the search criteria and displayed info that we have for the Horse Search into the Market pages.
link Horse Search on the other 2 pages: just have it linked somewhere on both pages so people know there's a more thorough search they can use when the Market pages aren't enough. probably not the best solution but it could help.
i will probably submit this as a feature request when i'm next able to, but i feel there's a lot of different ways to fix horse searching and was curious to see if anyone else has any suggestions on how to go about it. i'm focusing more on streamlining what we have already rather than suggesting an expansion to the search feature, but there are some other things like searching by breed percentage and PS that i've seen talked about before.

Support ๐ฏ!
I think this would be SO much easier!
Edited 1 times
Support :)
I definitely would like a merger of the search and market pages. Keep the filters of the search but have the nice little thumbnails and ability to sort of the market pages.
I think how that's done depends on how much roleplay we want to include in the game. The horse sales and stud/brood market make more sense as locations in the town. But you still want to be able to search horses that aren't for sale or stud/brood so idk.
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